Chapter 25

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(Picking up where we left off from two chapters ago or so)

"Mom! Wait! Where...oh.." Tristian stopped his running when he spotted Meliodas sitting near a lake, head buried in his lap. The boy walked to where his mother was, standing right behind him. Before he could say anything, Meliodas started to shake.

Soon, soft sobs escaped from Meliodas' lips, broken...breathless sobs. The shaking increased, worrying Tristian a little bit. A few minutes passed before Mel got the strength and will to speak, "It's...It's been a long time, huh Tristian.." He whispered out hoarsely, looking back a bit to give Tristan a sad, watery smile.

It absolutely broke his heart.

Tristian squatted down, trying to get a peek at Mel's face, "Hey...things will be..." Meliodas erupted impatiently, "No it won't! I only bring sorrow and danger to you all. How did you find me anyways?! I thought that with me dropping you off with Arthur and going off grid, made things pretty clear." Fierce eyes glared right at his child, but the boy just stared back blankly, not intimidated in the slightest.

"Yeah...your right, you did made yourself very clear," Tristian got up and started circling around Meliodas a bit, slowly, before stopping right in front of him and squatted down again, "what was clear to me is that your a damn coward...but also broken...lost. You can come up with a million excuses and come up with a bestselling novel of your sorrows and whatnot. But...that would never help you get back up. Don't wallow in your sadness, sometimes...not a lot of people will have pity for you. You know how this world is right now, mom. It's too cruel, too cruel for you to sit here like some old hermit and act like you have nothing to live for. But you do, your living for you. Now get up, you got legs." Tristian kicked Meliodas' legs firmly for emphasis, not caring that his mother is looking at him with shocked eyes, surprised at his wisdom.

Tristian sat down and scooted a little closer, reaching up with a hand to gently cup one of Mel's cheeks, "Mom...why don't you love yourself?" He asks softly. Voice as calm as the sea on a peaceful day, crashing so gently against the rocks. As smooth and comforting as honey. Filling him with a feeling that he can trust his son, with everything. As his mind started to drift away again, Tristian brought him back. "You know, I bet Angel never stopped loving you, mom." Tristian whispers soundless, causing Meliodas to gasp a little and have tears slowly forming in his eyes again. His son brought Mel closer in a big, well needed, hug.

The wall that has been struggling with either holding or let go finally decided to set itself free. At a price, Meliodas just broke down and sobbed loudly and brokenly. Tristian just held him as lovingly as a son could give to his parent.

'Damn...who hurt you this bad?'
Day 1 out of 7...

Tristian decided to stay in Hispaniola and spend time with his mom, catching up on the (positive) old times. "Soooooo, got a girlfriend?" Meliodas asks, snickering. Tristian rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. "Why should you care?" Meliodas giggled and ruffled Tristian's hair. "Because I'm your moooom." The boy snorted, "Yeah, yeahhh." Tristian kept his mouth shut, but laughed at Mel pouting face.

The two were laying down on a field of grass when Marie came running towards them. "Hello! Who is this one with you?" Meliodas sat up and looked back, smiling when he saw her. "Hey! This is my son, Tristian." He answered. Tristian looked closely at her, for some reason, he's sensing that something is wrong with her.

His thoughts were quickly ended when Mel jabbed his elbow into his side, "Ow. Oh, uh, hello there!" He greets her hesitantly. His mom got up and started walking toward the tree he has been using. Tristian soon followed him, keeping a watchful eye of the girl.

Back at the tree, Tristian let's himself voice his concerns, "Mom... how many times a day does this...girl visit you a day?" Meliodas was immediately confused but decided to tag along.  "Well..mostly three times a day." Tristian nodded his head slowly, hiding his slightly sweaty palms.

"Does she have a..lover?"

"No..but I have noticed her looking at a way that I can't reciprocate." Tristian nods his head again, confident on his claim, but he decides to sleep in order to think consciously, just in case if he made a mistakes. But before he closed his eyes...

He looked at Meliodas again, " careful." He warns her, hoping that he got the message, which he does.

Meliodas gave him a true, authentic and iconic laugh.

"Of course I will...or at least try. I promise."

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now