Chapter 35

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Zeldris is getting more frustrated by the minute, where could that blond midget be?! It shouldn't be this difficult to find him. After a while, the king got bored and he went to go sit on his throne again, waiting for Meliodas to come out himself. "If you insist on hiding for a long time, then let me take a nap." Suddenly, he heard a voice right behind him.

"I was here the whole time, dumbass..."

(And the lie detector determined....that was a damn fucking lie, you pipsqueak. xD)

Zeldris whipped his head around with a small smirk, eyes locking with Mel's unbothered ones. One of the black haired demon's hands circled around the hilt of the sword tightly. Meliodas could only shake his head, "This time around..I'm not here to attack you. I just want to talk. I know there's still good in you, Zeldris. You're just hurt right now...because of me. You wanted me to stay all those years ago, but I left instead and went with your love rival. All you wanted was love, acceptance and approval. However, this isn't the way to fully get it, trust me. Trying to become a dictator and killing so many's sick Zeldris! Why are you doing this?" Meliodas asked desperately.

The other just blankly started at him for a bit. "I'm not that much different from you, Meliodas. You have killed many people and either took control of or destroy towns. I remember what you said all those years ago when you used to value your family more than a hoe and love you in your own way. 'I will surpass father and take over the world.' Isn't that right?" Meliodas glared at him, knowing that he would bring that up, but still annoyed by it.

"That was then and this is now. I learned that killing isn't always the answer to everyone's situation. Especially killing innocent people who did nothing wrong." Zeldris shrugged at his 'stupidity' and rolled his eyes. "You're just using excuses my brother, just admit it. Remember, you've killed thousands of people of any kind, if they caused trouble to tried to get in your way. There was this one particular lady, who was with child. What you did to her.." Meliodas interrupted him, not wanting to reminisce that memory.

He closed his eyes briefly and pinched the bridge of his nose, quickly losing patience, "Tell me then...why? Just...why. How you feel, what you thought, what you wish for...those things. You can trust me." Zeldris was caught a bit off guard by this. No one would usually let him talk unless if they finally finished or he uses force and influence to get his way. Meliodas was prepared to be disappointed and not hearing Zeldris out, but his brother proved him wrong.

He opened up.

"From the moment I was born, it was like no one really wanted me. That I was just 'an extra baby' or a lame surprise. You and Estarossa would always get the attention while I stayed in the shadows. I do look up to...because I wanted to be fierce, unforgiving and strong like you. Now, I am. With that admiration...turned into love. Gelda couldn't satisfy me properly, in the way I needed. Only you could and you have...for a while, before you left. The first time you left me, it was because of a girl. More like a wench if you ask me, but whatever. The second time you left, was probably because of a male lover and the last time you left was the combination of the second time and this time, your child. Everything never goes well for me, people... always leave. Or should I rather say, our kind always leave. When it comes to killing...there's nothing wrong. I actually feel happy when I get to use weapons on people." He got up and stretched, before quickly turning around, knocking the knife out of Mel's strap to use that and his sword to...pierce two of Meliodas' seven hearts.

The blond stood there frozen, eyes widening as he felt the metal of the weapons being pushed more into him. The swelling amount of blood came swarming in his mouth, the tongue tasting the bitter copper as the blood spilled out of his lips. Meliodas fell to his knees, screaming as Zeldris twisted the blades in him, loving the pain that Meliodas is going through. He recklessly but quickly detach the knife from the second heart, only to stab the third one just deeply as the other two. Zeldris was about to do the same with the fourth one, but a sudden presence stopped him.

He removed the blades, unknowingly dropping the sword and started looking around the room wildly, "Who is there? Show yourself! Unless if you're just a lousy coward!" His eyes were distracted by looking at the front of the point that he didn't noticed the back of him.

Zeldris hiccuped with his own eyes widening, feeling a burning, wet sensation in his chest as he looked down to see...three of his hearts being pierced through. His head slowly looked behind and locked eyes with someone he wished he never saw, never knew...and never created.


"Now you're even with my mother, father dearest. I've been bored while looking for you and him. Let'" Tristian whispered menancingly. Zeldris snarled and jumped, doing a backflip mid air, knife aiming at his son.

His eyes were all red now, no trace of black in them.

"So be it! Let's dance!"

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now