Side Story#3: Cracks

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(In response to a comment, writing to ease my boredom and give you guys a more in depth look into Mel and Angel's relationship. It's alright if y'all are starting to despise Angel and I'm sorry if you didn't like that I made him leave some time after the fight with Meliodas. There is always a chance for redemption and to fix things. But for now, their relationship was already starting to crumble, that moment was just 'icing on the cake.' Anyways, enough of me babbling! Lmao. Hope you guys enjoy!)
Problem 1: Trust(before Mel got his memories back)

If you don't trust, you don't have anything.

If you don't have communication, you don't have anything.

Angel and Meliodas sat on opposite ends of their table, facing each other. Just days after their fight which resulted in the silent treatment from both of them. What was it about, you may ask? It's pretty simple but sad. Meliodas thinks Angel doesn't love him anymore and is very suspicious whenever Angel goes out. Which is not very often unless necessary.

For Angel, it's all about 'the collar' on Mel's neck. If Mel is really done with Zeldris, shouldn't he take it off by now? Again, it's simple but really sad. In general, the two of them don't trust each other.

Meliodas doesn't trust that Angel is staying faithful.

Angel doesn't trust that Meliodas is over Zeldris.

"So...I would like to hear you first, Mel. What are you so upset about?" Angel asked quietly after a long moment of silence. Meliodas rubbed his itchy eyes for a bit and took a deep breath before speaking, "Well...I don't like that you have to go out. I don't like that you are helping those people, which most of them are..." Angel knows what he's about to say next.

He gently interrupts him, "..'beautiful but possibly troublesome ladies.' Baby, you know I only have eyes for you. Besides, not only does someone have to patrol to make sure Zeldris or any of his minions are around, but I also...kind of miss my home. So I go and find places that remind me of home, though the colors are a bit too bright. I always tell you where I'm going, what I'm doing and how long that I will be gone. Anyways, sorry for interrupting you, go on." Meliodas smiled softly, "It's fine...I guess I needed to hear that. I just want to know that I'm good enough for you, Angel." The white haired demon shook his head.

Of course he is and Angel made it known loud and clear.

After, Meliodas gestures to Angel to go now, "Sure. Let me first, start off with asking you this. What is that mark on your neck by Zeldris and why haven't you taken it off?" Meliodas's eyes widened and he clearly showed some discomfort. "I...I'm not ready yet. I'm sorry." This immediately rang alarm bells in Angel's head, causing the latter to get a bit furious. But he kept it under control, for now.

"I always hear that, always. It's starting to get old now, Meliodas. Why don't you tell me, is it because you still love him?" This made Meliodas gasp and gawk at Angel in disbelief, "What?! N-N-N-No!" Angel quickly latched onto the stammered out answer. "Why you hesitated? It's true..isn't it. ISN'T IT!" As quickly as he raise his voice and scared Mel, the quicker he felt ashamed of it.

He got up and turned his back to Meliodas, not wanting his lover to see his pained face, "I'm sorry...I will be in our room if you need anything. But for now, just leave me be and let me calm myself down." He whispers out, walking away.

Meliodas let's him without saying a word.

Problem 2: Communication(after Meliodas got his memories back, prior to him going after his son and falling into Zel's trap)

"Angel, you better start telling me what's up or else...!" Meliodas growled out loudly, knocking on the locked bathroom door.

Angel was in clear discomfort and touched his stomach, but tried to hide it as he answered, "Or else what? Tell me, what exactly are you going to do? Let me use the bathroom in peace dammit! Move away from the door." This can't be happening, it can't. Angel always thought that it was only Meliodas who had this ability, not him. In a way, this is embarrassing for Angel. The timing is horrible, Zeldris is literally after their heads! Plus, he doesn't feel very macho and tough anymore. Too much emotion...too much vulnerability.

For that and the fact he doesn't want to add more things for his lover to worry about, Meliodas cannot know. But of course, the blond isn't having any of it. The weird feeling and nausea was getting worse, it was like something..or rather, someone, died inside him. On the other side of the door, Meliodas could hear a flush and washing of hands, following with the lock detached and the door opening. To reveal a rather pale and somber Angel, this caused Meliodas to worry and panic.

"Hey..Hey! Angel, are you alright? Why don't you talk to me?" Meliodas asked frantically, grabbing onto one of his arms. Angel wrenched them away from Mel's hold, speed walking towards the door, this is the first time he doesn't tell Meliodas where he's going. Only this, "I'm coming back, then we can talk about your memories returning and what not..." Meliodas meekly protested but again, let's him go.

He's getting good at that...isn't he.

Thirty minutes went by as Meliodas paces back and forth, waiting for Angel to return. Just as he was about to go outside, the door opened, revealing a rather horrified Angel. Whose's moist eyes are struggling between release or holding back. Meliodas frowned and moved close to Angel. "Talk to me...what's going on?" Angel didn't say anything until Meliodas grabbed his hand.

"Leave me be!" It's gone..

"Angel, please! Why are you shutting me out!"

"I said leave me be, Meliodas! Give me a moment, I haven't forget.." It's gone...

Meliodas doesn't say another word and instead, watches Angel from afar.

It's gone...It's gone....It's gone...

Problem 3: Trust and communication

You can't go out...with her. For game night.

Why not?

Because...I just don't think that it's a good idea.

Do you still not believe that my heart belongs to you, and you only?

It's not's just...

What haven't you tell me?

..... I'm just...never mind.

Remember, if we don't have trust, we don't have anything. I guess I will stay home with you then, I'm going to be early. Goodnight...

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now