Side Story#4: Bonding time

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"A true warrior never gives up, he believes in his abilities and do whatever he can to win the war. They're strategic, flexible and of course, strong. If they are apart of the kingdom, of course they should be loyal to the king. But at the end, they're loyal to themselves. Especially if the king is a bit corrupt. Try again."

Swish! Swish! Sw-clang!

Aw man! I missed again and hit the cup. Do I really have to do these push ups, Arthur?

"Of course! You wouldn't be in this predicament if you just believed in yourself and cuss out one of my generals to the point that he started having tears in his eyes."

So? Why should I care? It just proves that he's a big baby who's afraid of a kid!

"(Shakes head) Kid, if there is one of many things that I told you that I want you to keep in your heart is this, a warrior embraces their emotions. Their fear. But they don't let it rule nor blind them. If there's a time or moment where you want to cry, go ahead. Don't let the toxicity of this world tell you that you can't just because of your gender."

Fine, I..guess. Maybe I should find him and apologize. But first...!

Swish! Riiip!

All right! I did it! I did it! A warrior always has to stay diligent and alert. Take any opportunity to strike when an enemy isn't focus on them. Now, I don't have to do puuuuusssshh uuuuuupps!

"Haha, what a smart ten year old. Good job Tristian but did you have to rip that part of me pants? (Hides the front of know what)"

Oopsy, sorry! I will get you a towel. (Runs off)

"Haha, what a smart and funny kid indeed. Don't you worry Meliodas...he's turning out to be a fine boy."

Sorry for the short chapter! Just wanted to put out something extra after posting chapter 28 I believe, a few minutes ago by the time this is published to you all. Unless I change my mind, of course, I'm taking a mini hiatus from this story to revise and/or add new ideas to the story. Along with focusing on my other books. Which you guys can read if you want. If you guys like SDS and are willing to read my works, then I recommend you the Arthur x Meliodas one shot book I made and completed a while back. I also wrote (but didn't finish) one book on Ban and one book on Gilthunder and Howzer. Just go to my profile page of where my published stories are and you should find them there. Anyways see you guys and happy holidays! Take care and stay safe! ^^  ❤️

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