Chapter 15

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Once he got close enough, Angel leaped forward and swung the weapon, managing to make a big gash across Mel's face, but failed at knocking the sin down. Meliodas just stood there, licking up a bit of the blood that reached his lips with a sinister smirk.

Meliodas hummed, "Is that all? I can definitely do better than that," he boasted, "It's my turn now!" He quickly took out a sword out of nowhere and tried to stab Angel on the right side of his stomach, but the other moved out of the way in time.

"Are you even looking at yourself?!" Angel yelled out as he kept narrowly dodging every attack coming his way. But his lover was already lost at this point, letting his anger rule him instead of his own self. Tristian looks on from behind the rock, frightened at what his mother is turning into.

His father.

The boy bit his lip nervously, not knowing what to do and feeling horrible for not being able to do something to help Angel stop his mom. Should he stop him? Can he stop him? Black eyes roamed over and found a stone. A lump slowly formed in Tristian's throat. But he quickly swallowed it down when he saw Angel's swings getting slower and sloppier, with Meliodas landing some cuts on him. Tristian found another rock near the fight and managed to reach there without getting caught.

The boy stood there and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Hands circled around the stone he got along the way. He positioned himself like a baseball player and made a Meliodas the target. He stretched back, like he was a baseball pitcher.


Meliodas made the mistake of looking away for a moment, grunting once he turns to his right, finding Tristian doing a flying side kick to the top of Mel's chest. Mel made an oof! sound as he's sent zooming through the air, colliding with several rocks roughly. The sin winced and immediately glared at whoever did that. Only for his eyes to widen slightly as a soft gasp escape his lips.


Angel tried to wobble towards the two but fatigue and loss of some blood got to him. He fell, grunting in pain as he felt bruises forming on his legs and left arm. His blue eyes rosed to meet black ones that are slowly turning green. Before Angel could say anything, his eyes quickly widened at the same time a eerily cold breeze passed through.

"Angel, no! What the...hell?!?!"

"Tsk, Tsk. That's no way to treat me, you know that. I...specifically got orders to shake things up a bit..from Zeldris. What would be better than a little love quarrel and maybe...killing your lover. Right...Elizabeth stealer..hehe.."

Both Meliodas and Tristian stood in fear and watched helplessly as Estarossa recklessly took out his sword that was deep in Angel's body before flying away. Speaking of the man, he's currently unconscious, giving the remaining of the triad limited time to do something as Angel slowly bled to death.
Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! What should he do?!

Meliodas's eyes started to tear up as Tristian stood at a distance, slightly afraid of his mother. It broke his heart to pieces, knowing that he caused this. His eyes were now back to the emerald green everyone knows and that Tristian misses. Speaking of the boy, he slowly walked over until he stood right in front of his mother.

"Y-You were scary, mama. It bad...bad. Me...feel sad seeing you be papa..mama. It scary. Scary." Meliodas fell onto his knees as tears spilled slowly down his face. He gathered Tristian in his arms, burying his face in the crook of his son's neck.

He places a hand in Tristian's hair and combs his fingers through it gently, "I don't deserve you...I'm sorry. I....whaaa, Angel?! Hold on, where...?" Meliodas quickly broke away from Tristan and jogged over to Angel, who was wobbling a bit, but standing on his own. Once Mel reached him, he tried to place a hand on Angel's shoulder, but the latter sharply moved out of reach,

"Get away from me." He hisses dangerously but shaky at the same time.

Meliodas felt a big pang of guilt in his heart. "Wait...Angel, I'm sorry for..." But his lover, or rather soon to be estranged or even ex lover, managed to gather enough strength to open up his wings. He jumped and was off, flying away while leaving a small and short trail of blood.

This was all a mess...what has he done?

The sin wanted to cry...but looking at a somber Tristian stopped the flow of tears from coming and going down his face again. After two minutes of composing himself, Mel turned towards Tristian slightly and said, "I...have to go somewhere. But don't worry, I will drop you off with someone you know. Who watched you the first time we were separated." Tristian was confused for a second, but then realization quickly came over, making him gasp slightly.

"Your going to live with Arthur. Let's go."
Anger pulsed greedily through his veins, but pain was stronger, as Angel winced and his vision started to get blurry. He wishes that he knew where to go in order to rest and recover.

But he doesn't. He's all alone, again.

When he felt that his condition will get worse, he landed on a bright field, on his rather shaky knees. As blood dripped on the grass, tainting it's brightness with the darkness, Angel for the first time, sobbed brokenly. Who would've knew that someone like Meliodas would reduce the prince to this pitiful state.

"Damnit! If father saw me now....I-I-I gotta stop crying. Stop...Stop...Stop! He made his choice, I'm making mine!" He clenches his hands even tighter, not caring that he feels his nails digging deeply into his skin, most likely leaving marks. Or even make he hand bleed. A few minutes later, drowsiness washed over him, signaling that someone has to do something soon, since he's on the brink of death.


Hours later....
Blue eyes opened sharply, surprised at not feeling that much pain anymore. It roared around a little room, trying to see if the place is recognizable. After some time, Angel gave up and moved to get off of this rather comfy bed.

"Ah, Ah, Ahhhh. I wouldn't get up and start walking just yet, if I were you. Even though we managed to fix you up and heal most of your wounds, your still recovering." Angel raised an eyebrow and looked up at a....giantess at the door. Not just any giantess.

But one that looks like Celine.


Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now