Chapter 36

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Tristian immediately kicked the knife out of Zel's hands, bruising them in the process. He caught it and stabbed Zel in the chin, opening it up with a slash as he removes it from the skin. The black haired demon hissed in pain and struggled to get an advantage as Tristian did a series of punches, kicks and stomps on his battered body. Making the latter spit out blood and groan in pain. After a while, Tristian stopped and slowly squatted down to his father's current level.

Without saying another word, he took one of the swords and swiftly cut off Zel's right arm. Not caring that he's getting blood squirted at him. "You disgust me! With how you treated me...especially my mother! If you loved him so much, how come you're hurting him, huh?! You know that there are other ways to show love, right?! I! FUCKING! HATE! YOUR! NASTY! DESPICABLE! DISHONORABLE! HORRIFYING! MESSED UP! AAAAASS! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Tristian roared out, already standing and stomping harshly all over Zel's unmoving body, letting the anger and hatred pulsing through his veins...his blood. Zeldris just stared at him with a small smile. Finding all of this really amusing.

"Y-Yo-You can call me all the...names you want that you know of. I don't care, I feel the...same way for you...your a mistake." Zeldris wheezed out.

Tristian rolled his eyes, "I know you are, but what am I? By the way, your dead to me. Make sure to get that through your head. I don't what my mom and other people see in you, but all I see is a dark, hollow heart. And a man who is crazy and too dangerous to continue on living in this world." Tristian was about to say something else, but a voice interrupted him.

"I agree with him being dangerous, but there is still good in him."

The whole family whipped their heads towards the source of the voice, resulting in two out of the three to have smiles on their faces once they recognize who that person was. Tristian snorted while keeping an eye on his father on the ground.

He rolled his eyes again, but his time playfully. "Long time no see Angel, how ya been?" Angel shrugged with a smile of his own, slowly walking towards the pair,Tristian and Zeldris. "Ah, nothing much. Took over my world's demon realm and relaxing, that's pretty much it to be honest. What's up here?" Tristian looked back at his father with a black expression.

"His...expiration date has arrived, he's now spoiled and no good to keep here. I'm throwing him to the trash can." Angel knew what he meant and said nothing except, "Roger. Bring your mother to safety and make sure to cover up that hole you made when you came in. I will clean mess soon enough." Tristian nodded his head and leaped away, landing right next to his mother and started dragging the injured man away. Just as Angel started shooting bolts of lighting at the defenseless Zeldris.

Meliodas felt really embarrassed on looking like a mess in front of his son and still keeping Zeldris alive. "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't strong enough to defeat him, I let my guard down and now I'm like this." Tristian shook his head and gently smiled at his mom, moving the strands of blond hair away from sticking to Mel's forehead. "'s okay, we're here. We will defeat him for you, somehow. You were probably amazing. You're definitely a good help, look at the state he's's going to take a miracle to..." Suddenly his words slowed down a bit when he noticed a certain giantess appearing out of nowhere, like she was teleporting. She slowly creeped towards Angel, hands reaching for the distracted man, who was about to make Zeldris fall into a state of unconsciousness.

"Angel! Look behind you!"

But unfortunately, it was already too late.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now