Chapter 38

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(Update: originally posted at midnight on New Year's Day, just like Chapters 37, 39 and 40. Changed "telepathy" to "telekinesis." If you see this mistake again somewhere, just replace it with the correct term.)

Tristian couldn't believe it...he failed, his mom is dead.

And it's all Zeldris' fault. The bastard.

"I-I have to help him somehow...he shouldn't be dead...c'mon you can do this...arrrrrgghhhh." Tristian managed to take ahold of the sword piercing him and pull it out completely, dropping to the floor with a loud thud! sound. He breathed heavily as he started to run, not caring that it's putting stress on his body. The sword is tightly in his grasp, just in case if Zel wants to rip that one away from him too. His black eyes is set on his only target.

His father.

Zeldris was looking at the dead blond when he felt a certain presence coming at him fast. He quickly removed the sword from Mel's body and twirled around. Just as Tristian reached him with a weapon of his own. At the same time, both managed to stab each other in one heart. Tristian now has six gone while Zeldris only has four gone. But Tristian didn't care, even as he felt himself getting weary. The only fuel he's relying on now is his anger and hatred towards his father. He retracted his sword and stabbed Zel's hand. Making the other remove his hold on his own sword in pain. Tristian took it out and now has two swords in his hands once again.

He sped walked towards a distracted Zel and swung his sword low but fast, cutting off the bottom half of Zel's legs. Before the black haired demon could make any moves at all, Tristian was on him again. But from behind. He used the hilt of the sword and hit one of Zel's temple's as hard as he could. Then he quickly dropped one of the swords and slapped side of the black haired head, using all of his strength. Causing Zel not only to feel pain, but also dizziness, partial blindness and hearing loud, piercing sounds. That ringed a lot in his ears.

This method will buy Tristian some time. Since it will make it hard for Zel to focus and use telekinesis to end him, at least for now. "Man, what can I needs to be alive and be happy for once. He deserves it after all he went through. C'mon..grrr." It was hard for Tristian to focus, since he keeps going back and forth on looking at his mother then looking at his father to make sure the bitch stays down.

Suddenly, one of Tristian's eyes caught sight of the necklace that was given to him while he was a baby. He slowly took hold of the heart and opened it, revealing an image of him and Meliodas...smiling. His eyes soon looked at his rough, dirty and battered hands. He looked at them for a while until he remembered what Arthur told him.

"A life force is within you, no matter what species you are...if you're a warrior and want to help someone you care about... you can use it to heal their injuries or if they were dead...bring them back to life. But it has the potential to be deadly," Black eyes glistened a bit as the boy realized something, "That is nothing...I'm ready to do it. I guess...this will soon be a goodbye." Tristian looked at Meliodas and walked towards the body.

A grunt escaped Tristian as he felt a bit weaker from his injuries and blood loss, suddenly falling to his knees. But that didn't stop him. Instead, he resorted to crawl and sometimes drag his body closer to his mother. Once he finally reached the blond, he pressed his head against the stomach, whispering something. After two minutes, Tristian removed his head and placed his hands on the chest. A soft, light appear in the color of the purest white you can ever see or imagine. His hands soon turned warm, just like Mel's body, but slowly.

He could feel himself getting weaker, as something like energy, is being pulled away from his body.

His life force is being taken away from him and transferred into Meliodas.

But that didn't matter, if it means that his mother will live, then so be it.

The more life Tristian is transferring into Meliodas, the more his eyes flicker between looking dull and looking like it's filled with life. Under his hands, he could feel vibrations and nerves slowly waking up. He could feel injuries on the inside and out being repaired and washed away by the light. He could feel the heartbeats. His eyes soon sees a bit of color returning to Meliodas's body.

From afar, Zel gained back focus, sight and control.
"Meliodas... you won't be able to stay with me for long." Elizabeth says softly with a sad smile. The blond frowned and had his fist balled up. "I don't understand! I'm dead...I..what?! Why...Why is my body fading? I feel like I'm..being pulled towards something! Elizabeth..." He frantically looked at the white haired girl, wanting her help.

But she shook her head and waved with that same sad smile.

"Goodbye my love, live, make everyone you cared about in the afterlife proud, and be with Angel..."

Meliodas soon disappeared out of sight.
Eyes opened to find a young boy looking at him with a sad smile...just like Elizabeth's smile from before. "I...I did it..." Meliodas finally got back into reality and recognize him as his son. "Tristian! How am I...what did you do?" Before the boy could say anything, a soft but sharp gasp escaped him, his blood splattered on Mel's shocked face as the blond's green eyes slowly traveled down to find a sword pierced through Tristian's heart. His last one...

Zeldris cackled, "Telekinesis again!"

Meliodas calls out Trisitan's name with a piercing scream as the boy fell over to the right.

Meliodas was bouncing a giggling Tristian onto his lap, loving the smile on his baby's face. After a while, he stopped and turned the baby to face him. Tristian looked up at his face, "" Meliodas nodded his head and leaned down to kiss the crown on Tristian's head. "Yes, I'm mama and your Tristian. The greatest miracle to come in my life. You bring me happiness in this gloomy place. Maybe this is what true love is. The love of a child." Mel sighed happy and hugged the baby close, relaxing to the soft cooing sounds coming from the babe.

"I love you so definitely have a great purpose in life. We just need to see..what is it is." Tristian smiled and started babbling sweet nonsense. In his mind, this purpose thing that mommy is talking about, might be helping him be happy again and away from the meanie.

Maybe then, the two can live a long, happy and fulfilling life.
End of Flashback...

Tristian mustered the strength to 'hold on' the very end of his lifeline just for a moment. To comfort his mom. He raised a shaky hand to cup the wet cheek of a sobbing Meliodas, giving him an equally shaky smile. "Mom..shh, it's okay. I-I-I-I-I served my purpose. It's to save you and set B-But I wasn't able to get rid of the threat...y-y-yo-you will have to do it yourself. Your fate is now in your hands. I-I just have one wish though," He stroked Mel's cheek and wiped away the tears before going back to cupping it again, "Smile for least once. C' it." Mel took a deep breath with his eyes closed. When he opened them again, they were green and bright. His growing, soft smile gave off that same look and vibe.

"There you go, thank you mom. Always remember this," he could feel his time officially coming to an end soon, "I..I love you, so much. Don't cry...anymore." Meliodas gasped when he took a good look at his son's eyes.

They were emerald green. Just like his. Tristian managed to turn off his assault mode.

Tristian's hand soon went limp and fell to the ground with a soft thud! sound. His eyes became dull and unfocused as his head moved slightly to the side. A tiny puff of air escaped his lips as everything stopped moving and function.

It's official. Tristian is gone.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now