Chapter 1

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2 months later....
"Mooom! Moooom!" Meliodas sat on the ground, cuddling Tristian close to his chest while the baby cries. It has been going on like this for two hours, a horrible fever raging on the youngest of the triad. Zeldris was outside...fuming. For the third time, he turned towards the door sharply and raised his closed fist to bang on the door loudly.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Meliodas took a sharp intake of breath and glanced towards the door, trembling. Due to the noise, Tristan's screams only became louder. He started to bounce his son lightly, kissing his forehead and whispering reassurance.

Zeldris seemed to have heard Meliodas's voice, "Get that thing to bed! Or I swear Meliodas...!"

"Alright! Alright! Hold on, please. You know that he's sick..."


The door was broken down and landed on the floor with a loud thud. Zeldris walked slowly towards the pair, black eyes now turned into this dark, blood red color. Tristan immediately became silent, wiping his eyes and entire face vigorously to get rid any evidence of crying. While trying to calm down his breathing as well, sitting up in his mom's lap. A smug smile almost appeared on Zeldris's face..almost. But alas, the anger and jealousy was stronger.

All of a sudden, Tristian opened his mouth. "Mmm..mmm, sowwy. N-N-No hurt mama." Zeldris glared at his son before his look becoming oddly calm and 'gentle.' But Meliodas knew from experience that this isn't genuine, it's a sign that only trouble is coming. Hands reached out for the baby.

Meliodas panicked and shook his head, "Zel..Zeldris, please reconsider...he's just a.."

"Hand him to me, NOW. I won't say that again, Mel.

Reluctantly, Tristan was now passed into his father's arms. Meliodas watched with tears forming in his eyes as the pair strolled out the room. Once the door was closed and locked, was when Mel started to sob uncontrollably.

He cried for his son.

He cried for the village he used to live at before all of this.

He cried for his lack of memory. He knows he can remember but.. it's hard.

He cried for his life.

"I'm worthless, I'm weak, I'm ugly and I'm nothing. I can't even protect my own flesh and blood. I know Zel loves me... but I don't like the way he shows it. However, I can't leave hiim, I can't," his voice broke once more and the pitch in it became a sad little mouse, " No one would understand me, no one would love me. No one would want me like he does... oh gods I'm a monster."


"But your not a monster, just afraid..."

Meliodas's eyes flew open as he turns to his left, only to see a ghost of a young woman with long white hair. One of her eyes were blue, while the other is this golden orange. Regardless, they both are showing kindness, love, warmth and safety in them. Her clothes are a light baby blue color and her aura seems...angelic.

Meliodas took a deep breath and sniffled before whispering, "Wh-Who are you?"

"Ah, so it is true that you have lost your memory...." She said softly.

The woman walked slowly in a graceful way towards him, reaching her hand out. Immediately he took ahold of it gently, with her rubbing his knuckles in a comforting manner.

"Wait..your name is Elizabeth, isn't it?"

Her smile stays sad and gently, but does brighten slightly.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now