Chapter 14

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Everyone except for Angel and Tristian were in shock when they heard about what Meliodas went through with Zeldris. The guilt that already existed in King only increased. His fists clenched at his sides as his body shakes, "If...If only.." Meliodas held a hand up to silence him, " 'If only' nothing. I made the choice to seal off my memories. I was one who put myself in danger, not you." King didn't seem convinced but stayed quiet anyway.

After a minute of silence, Meliodas cleared his throat and went to a chair to sit on. Everybody looked at him, waiting. Meliodas pondered a bit before speaking, "We have to make a plan to defeat Zeldris...once and for all," he looks straight at a somber Harlequin, "Yes...I mean terminate him. It..It doesn't matter that he's my brother...Zeldris is too dangerous to be left alive." Angel stayed silent, but seems skeptical if Meliodas is actually willing to end Zel's life.

When the two were alone again in Mel's room, Angel decided to express his thoughts. "Are you actually willing to kill Zeldris? What if you see a change in him, that he wants to be better? Are you still willing to end his life? I know how hard it will be for, given that you and him have a child and all." Realizing that Angel might be onto something, Meliodas becomes slightly annoyed and defensive.

"What? Don't think that I could carry this out? Don't be absurd. I'm willing to do what needs to be done. If it means to kill him, then so be it." Angel just stares at him, sensing some darkness growing within his lover. He closes his eyes and smirks, shrugging slightly as he slowly walks out of the room. Once Angel got out of the room and sees Tristian drinking his juice silently. Eyes stern and focused on something, from the conversation he just had with Meliodas and seeing the boy, he came to a possible conclusion. If Zeldris will die some day, it wouldn't be from Meliodas's hands.

It will be from Tristian's.
How dare Angel doubt him? Meliodas was clearly furious, eyes full of fire. But as quickly as he got answer, quickly that he calmed down and actually think. This isn't just any other person, any other sibling that he's thinking about killing.

This is his brother. Who shares the same blood as him.

Tristian is involved in this too, in a way, since he is their child.

Meliodas now feels guilty when he thought about Angel's blank face. He walked towards the door in order to find his lover and apologize. But the minute he opened the door and looked down from the balcony, his heart dropped.

There right in the open, Angel was embraced by a young woman with black hair. He didn't give a damn when he heard a 'Meliodas! Wait!' from Angel as he goes inside his room. But soon opened his window to fly away somewhere, pissed now.
Zaneri pulled away in shock. "This...This isn't Meliodas?" Angel and King growled while Merlin merely curled her lips downwards in disgust. King took a step forward and seethed out, "That was what ALL of us were trying to tell you! But no, you just wanted to be home wrecking leech and hang onto him for dear life! Now look at what you've done! I don't know how you found out but get out, NOW!" The girl finally jumped away and scrambled out of the Boar Hat.

Angel pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, wiping his cheek and chin again with a napkin in disgust, using his free hand. Tristian whimpered and walked towards Angel. "We have to find mama and tell him da truth!" Angel nodded his hair and smiled a bit at the boy, picking him up. He turns towards the remaining sins.

"We will be going now, I will try to explain everything and win him back." The sins nodded their heads and shooed the two away gently in encouragement. The boy and the doppelgänger were off on their mini mission to find their poor Meliodas.
The sin of wrath sobs brokenly at an abandoned beach, on his knees with his head down on his lap. H-How could Angel do this? Maybe Meliodas is worthless and unloveable after all. His shaky hands slowly went up to fist them tightly in his now messy mop of hair.

Has Angel been cheating throughout their relationship whenever he goes out?

Angel did tell him in the past that back in his own world's hell, he was ruthless and would use women just for sexual pleasure. What if Angel is has to stop these thoughts. He has to!

"B-But it's hard. I don't even think he meant or what he said...that he loves me. Damn him! I-I-I..ack!" With the increase frantic within him and fast breathing, Meliodas started choking on his his own spit that went down the wrong 'road' in his throat. His hearts started to beat rapidly fast, to the point that his chest started to hurt badly.

Green eyes went even wider and more wild as Mel starts seeing visions of kissing someone else and saying that he loves them instead of Meliodas. A few minutes later, Meliodas fell backwards, one of his hands flying up to press the palm of it against his forehead. A bad headache is now added to the mix.

"Meliodas! There you are...stay there and let me.." The blond's eyes became furious as he recognize the voice.


Mel slowly stood up, still having his back facing Angel. "Leave me be, now. I know where your heart lies, and it's not with me." Angel couldn't believe what he is hearing. What's...What's happening with Meliodas? He sees the other man shaking violently, his whole appearance now dishelved.

Meliodas seemed...broken.

"That's not true! Just listen to me and come back! I didn't initiate anything, she is the one..." Meliodas interrupted him again with a cold but secretly hurtful 'laugh.' Something that Angel sadly recognizes. His hearts clenched in sadness when he saw Meliodas shaking his head, finally showing at least one of his eyes, which to Angel's surprise, is slowly turning back as strings of darkness comes out of his body.

In a loudly but empty and cold voice, Meliodas answered with, "No. Leave me alone. This is your last chance. I don't want to hear any of your pathetic excuses. I don't know if I can....just leave. Your old self is back, or rather, has always been there. Just using people for your own sexual pleasure." Angel growled and places Tristian on the ground behind him. Not wanting the boy to see his mother like this. It would make the poor little guy scared.

"You don't even know why! No right do you have to make me seem like I'm just some worthless, deceptive being! You probably know almost as well as I do that we wanted to make our fathers proud or at least pleased! That's why I did it with those women...only to make him proud. Besides, I have a question...why haven't you taken off the collar?...." A black cloud erupts from Meliodas's body and consumes him a bit, giving a bit of clear look for Angel. Soon, he sees those wonderful but hurt eyes turn completely black as night.   As empty as a soul of a being. His eyebrows thickening a tiny bit to match his old look. He never answered Angel's question. Maybe Meliodas didn't hear but that didn't matter now.

Meliodas peers at Angel from behind, "Leave."


" it."

Meliodas closed his eyes and did a long backwards flip to reach Angel, his right foot out sharply, aiming at a spot on Angel's throat. The one that could cause anyone else who experience this to possibly die. Angel turned on his assault mode as well and nudges Tristian to go behind a rock, never keeping his eyes away from Mel's. Angel easily blocked the attack  and glared. One of his hands touched the ground slowly rose up, revealing a spiky staff.

"If it's a fight you want..." he tears up a tiny bit but nevertheless, starts running at Mel. Who was now at a distance from him, waiting.

"It's a fight you will get."

Here you go! Sorry for taking a while to upload. I'm sure you guys will like this chapter a lot. I'm always grateful for the compliments and advice, etc. But I would also like to hear more of your thoughts on the story, predictions and more. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and take care! Stay safe! ^^

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now