Chapter 24

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"My prince, your father has summoned you to the throne room. Shall I escort you there?" A male servant asked of him. The prince looked behind him and shook his head. "'s fine. I will go by myself." The servant nodded his head and walked out of the room. It feels pretty good to be home, but at same time, also not. He doesn't really have anything anymore. His children died in the war, his lover died in the war....a lot of people died in the war. Plus, he's now daddy's little soldier again, it's really pathetic.

Two minutes later, the prince finally got up and walked out of his room and went straight ahead to the throne room. Once he arrived, one of the soldiers opened the door for him. Not even a step placed in the throne room and a deep, rumbling voice ranged out, "My son...welcome. Come in, your father wants to speak with you about something." The prince nodded his head and walked to an empty chair right next to his dad, sitting in it.

The prince crossed his arms, annoyed and impatient, "What do you want, old man? I was about to go to sleep." His father chuckled a bit and shook his head, "You sleep too much, anyways. I have two questions for, number one..." Immediately, the prince growled and glared at the giant, whom he calls his father. "I swear if it's about me marrying somebody, I don't want to! You had your chance when I was with Eniko but since you let Miracle do what he did, she's dead. There's no one who could match up with her. Except...never mind." The noisy dad caught onto that and pestered his son, "You had someone else? Who?" The prince growled and got up.

"Wait! I'm not done with you!" The father yelled out as the prince walked out of the throne room, ignoring him. The king huffed out and slouched slightly, "This one is so stubborn. But he's still the heir to the throne." He said softly. A general looked on as the prince closed the doors, glaring at his father again, "Don't forget to finish up the executions in the prisons today!" The king yelled out before the doors were shut, causing the prince to groan.

The younger of the two waved his hand, "Yeah...sure. After my nap. They can wait for me." When the prince got back to his room and laid on his bed again, he waved a hand and a image of Tristian appeared in front of him. His usual scowl softened to a small smile. So far so good, Tristian is heading in the right direction. A finger touched the image and slide multiple times until it showed Meliodas, or what used to be him.

This confused the prince, but not for long. The man in the screen turned his face a bit, it was enough for the prince to look closely and spot three things that confirm that it's Meliodas.

His nose.

His mouth.

His glare.

"The both of you will meet soon."
Tristian woke up to a whole new place than before. "Wh-Where am I?" He asks out loud, rubbing part of his head that's sore while yawning. He patted himself down and saw that he got all of his weapons...but not his food. "Awwww, damn dragon...probably stole my food or something. I'm blaming them if I get hungry soon." He mumbled out, slightly annoyed. All of a sudden, he felt something furry rubbing against both of his ankles. His his widened a bit and looked down, seeing two chestnut brown puppies looking at him, smiling.

'Hmm, they seem to be alone. Oh well! Opportunity for me to get myself some pets. Arthur and other staff members in Camelot aren't here. Sooo, they can't do anything. Hehe.' Tristian thought, smiling as he picked up his two new pets. "Hold still now." He says, waving his hands to make a red and green collars appear on their necks. "Okay, the red one will be called Shadow. The green one will be Midnight. Any objections?" The two puppies shook their heads, happy with their new names.

The boy started walking, noticing the many houses and people working. Suddenly, he stopped abruptly and squeezed his thighs and knees together. Shadow barked a bit at him, confused. While Midnight slapped their forehead with eyes closed, shaking their head slowly.

Tristian looks down at them, pouting, "Sorry you guys, I need to use the bathroom. Let's see....there you go! A bush!" The puppies yelp loudly as their new owner practically zoomed to the bush and somehow manage to go inside. Tristian place them on his shoulders, looking behind him, as he looked around. Satisfied that this is the same zone and no one would find him here.

He unzips his pants and does his business.


All of a sudden, he heard footsteps coming closer to him and he panics. But as quick as it came, it went. Tristian waited a bit to see if they have left, but when he asked his puppies if he's there, who have jumped off and are on the ground now, they nodded their heads. 'What a creep! I will teach this one a lesson!' Tristian fixes himself and pulls up his underwear and pants, zipping himself up. He uses his nails to pick up this sort of liquid that is a substitute for soap (modern day hand sanitizer) and squeezes some on his hands.

Once he's done, he took out his sword and jumped out, angry, "Who are you? Why were you standing right behind me? You know, I could kill you!," he had an idea as he slowly advanced towards the person, who so happened to be a male. He could see the pure fear in their eyes, both stood there, looking at one another. Tristian never expected the man to speak, or even say this..


Black eyes widened a lot all of a sudden, what did...this man say? How does couldn't be.

Thump, Thump...Thump Thump...Thump Thump...Thump Thump.....

Those shocked eyes locked on the man as he ran away, mouth covered. Tristian's hearts couldn't stop beating so rapidly as he realized who this person is, despite the change of appearance.


Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now