Chapter 10

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The next morning, Tristian woke up distant sounds grunts and things breaking. This caused him to feel panic as he quickly got out of bed and put on his shoes. "Mama! Mama! Where are youu?" If it's his father wanting to kill mom again, which it's highly likely that it's him...oh gods.

"Tristan, don't come out..! ...Zeldris, stop trying to go to him! I'm not letting you kill my child!" He could hear his mother say. Tristian listened but managed to peaks through the crack of the door, watching the fight anxiously. Both participants were bruised up but surprisingly, it was Zeldris who was bleeding, despite any weapons around.

But something caught Tristian's eye that would help answer his question in regards to Zeldris managing to bleed, a piece of sharpened wood. Zeldris is breathing heavily, furious at the struggle. He definitely misses the amnesia Meliodas, where he had full control and influence over the blond.

And that is something that Meliodas soon points out to him. Which won't sit well with the commandment of piety, at all. But it all starts with a question Zeldris asks, "Why do you hate me so much? Have I ever lied to you?"

"Yes, you have. About many things. The biggest lie you told me is that you love me. You don't love me, you just want to be possessive. When I left the clan to be with the original Elizabeth..."

Zeldris becomes furious and attempts to interrupt, "DON'T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME! THAT DISGUSTING WHORE.."

Meliodas ignores him, " were upset because you have lost my attention. You wanted me all to yourself. Just so that you can still compete with me for father's real attention instead of getting the fake one, out of pity. Is that it, Zeldris? You just want father to be proud of you and see you as an heir?" The two weren't fighting anymore, just looking at one another.

Zeldris didn't say anything, possibly proving Mel's point if what he said was true. All of a sudden, the piety made an 'oof!' sound and is once again hit by something and flying off to who knows where, crashing. Meliodas sharply looked at the source of the now identified bolder and gasps quietly when he saw that one person he hoped to see again.

His dear lover, Angel.
Angel has an emotionless face as he goes down and lands his feet on the sand, looking at Meliodas silently. The two stood there for a minute doing nothing, Angel was the first one to break the silence. "Meliodas...and Tristian, if you somewhere here and can hear me, come here." He says, stretching out a hand in offering.

Tristian came out and both him and Meliodas approached Angel cautiously. Once they were close enough, Angel ruffled Tristian's hair, causing a small smile to break on the kid's face. While with his free hand, he grasp Mel's gently.

"Angel, I'm-" the white haired man held up a hand to silence Meliodas.

Angel closed his eyes and sighed, "Though I still felt upset that you didn't heed my caution, I shouldn't have disregarded your love for your son and wanting to protect him. What happened the other day was just parental instincts, that I should've recognize, given that I adopted twin demons a year ago, who were abandoned at birth. For that, and the way I acted towards you, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, don't worry. I'm just glad that your here. I hope you can forgive me too, Angel. For my behavior towards you." Tristian shook his head and looked at Angel, who glanced down at him with an arched eyebrow and smile.

"Mister Angel, mama been sad and..and feel bad for stuff he no do bad on. I say to him don't be sad, but it seem mama no listen." Tristian mumbled out.

Angel rolled his eyes playfully and gave Meliodas a side glance, "Is that so? Tsk, Tsk. I'm disappointed. I guess all my work was for nothing, huh."

The three of them laugh a little, with Angel picking Tristian up, getting ready to fly off. "Your able to fly yourself, right?" Meliodas nodded and the three were off just when Zeldris came back into the picture.


He looks up to find Angel looking at him, smiling. To his shock and already established anger, he sees Angel whisper something in Tristian's ear, with the boy covering his eyes. Then he moves closer to Meliodas and uses his index finger to place under Mel's chin and brings his face close to his. Closing his eyes as he plants a small kiss on Meliodas's lips. He pulls back and looks back at Zeldris, who by then, has a face as red as blood and has a chance of steam coming out of his ears.

Angel smirked at the sight and before he left with his lover and Tristian, he says one word to the piety while he cackles in 'dark' laughter.

One hour later, back at home...

Tristian was sitting on the couch reading a book, while eating pancakes with blueberries and chocolate syrup, despite Meliodas's protest. "Oh come one, Meliodas. He went through a lot. Plus, he has milk near him. Everything is fine." Meliodas snorted but had a bright smile on his face.

Angel smiled back and turned towards the sink to finish washing the dishes when he gasps, finding Meliodas's right hand touching his dick while the other is cupping his left man boob. "In front of Tristian?" Angel seethed out, getting ready to smack Meliodas into next year.

Meliodas giggled and lets go, managing to dodge the hand in just the nick of time. Angel rolled his eyes and takes off his shoe, throwing it at his lover and growled when he missed him just by a hair. Damn is this brat good! Tristian looks at the scene, confused. He raises an eyebrow before shrugging and going back to what he was doing. After dodging two more items being thrown at him and thankfully missing Tristian, Meliodas jumps really high and does a backflip mid air before landing on the counter in front of sink. Where the most common and famous decoration of the howl of fruit lies. He leans down and kisses the scowl off Angel's rather adorable face before clearing his throat and stretching his hand out.

"Let me re-introduce you to me, Meliodas! Sin of Wrath and captain of this group called The Seven Deadly Sins! Nice to meet ya again, hehe!"

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now