Chapter 34

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'No...I can't lose this easily. I have to do this...if not for myself then for my son, Tristian.' A hand tightly wrapped itself around Zel's wrist and started to pull. Meliodas easily overpowered Zel in this aspect and managed to get the sword out of his other shoulder with a hiss. He could hear a growl from the black haired demon as he quickly slid himself away, feeling warm trickles or dark red blood sliding down his arms.

Once he was seemingly out of Zel's sight, Meliodas managed to get up with a slight stagger. In that moment, did he realize that something vital was missing. Which was the only thing he had to fight his crazy brother with.

The knife.

"Crap...where is it?!" He muttered out frantically. A cold wind passed through as a shadow appeared and only grew bigger. Meliodas gasped and slowly looked up and behind him, black eyes meeting black and red ones. "Aw crap, it's him." Zeldris is looming over his prey with a dark smile, flying in the air.

He kept that same smile on his face as he tilted his head slightly to the right, "Yes it is. I found yoouu." Zeldris said gleefully. Zooming down to attack Meliodas again, who managed to get out of the way just in time. This only excited Zel more, "Yay! We're playing one of my favorite and mouse. I guess I'm the cat this time and you're the mouse. No biggie." This soon turned into a chase around the throne room.

Meliodas was thinking about going through one of the doors and escape. But Zeldris probably got the clue and had other plans. "No can do, love. I placed a powerful spell that would lock the door. Only people who casted the spell, made the original version of it or are just powerful, can break it. You're definitely not one of those people. With that, I'm glad." Damn it, his only escape was gone.

The blond is officially trapped in this place.

Meliodas managed to sidetrack Zel and find an area of crates to hide in. Once he sat down on the ground, did he let his silent, frustrated tears flow down his face. "What can I do? What can I do?! I need to escape somehow and come up with a plan." He whispered voicelessly to himself. Zeldris then spoke again from afar, "Where are you? I know you can run. But you can never hide from me." Obviously, though it's sad.

He could hear footsteps coming closer to his area but then far away, that pattern repeating again and again. "What, it won't be possible, there's no way that he could listen to me." But there is a chance, though. He knows that. Zeldris loves him in all aspects. As a 'lover', as a friend and as a brother. With that knowledge, it's possible to help his brother come back to the life without anyone losing their lives. Though Meliodas wouldn't hesitate if this plan fails.

All he has to do is say the right words.

This is his only shot.

If this fails then it's over, someone has to die.

And Mel is sure as hell it won't be him.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now