Chapter 27

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"What has he been up, scientist?"

"Well your highness, he requested a potion to be made so that he can take other forms."

" the forbidden magic then."

"Yes, my king."

"Does this have to do...with my other son, perhaps?"

"Yes, your correct again, my king. He wants to get...the other, back."

"Tell Zeldris that I summoned him."
Zeldris added two more poisonous cherries into his father's second out of the two cups of red champagnes. Mixing it up so that the bad, toxic taste from them could disappear and diminish in the drinks. "Alright, the two cups are ready. I will make sure that father will have...a nice, long sleep. He doesn't need to worry. I'm going to do his job for him. He will be thanking me soon enough." Right in cue, the scientist that created the potion for him, popped in.

The piety rolled his eyes, "What is it?" The scientist gulped and bowed their head, "Well..your father requests your presence sir." Zeldris smiled a bit and nodded his head curtly, "So be it. Tell him I'm coming." The scientist nodded their head quickly and scurried off. Zeldris turned his attention back to the cups and he took out a tray, placing them on there before heading out towards the demon king.
Back in the alternate universe with 'the prince'...

"You...You st-stupid son! How dare you..argh!" The dark, black blood oozed slowly out of his father's lips, the prince pushed the daggers deeper into the skin with the wave of his hand. Laughing maniacally in delight, the adrenaline pulsing through his veins.

After a while, when he saw that his father is losing his strength and consciousness, the prince calmed down a bit. "How does it feel to be in this pitiful state, father? Don't worry, I will take care of Hell for you. So.....see you in six thousand years." With that, the old demon king dissolved into dust. Everyone in the throne room was shocked and frightened. Especially those who have always badmouthed the prince behind his back over the years.

Their new ruler clapped his hands once but sharply, "Listen up! Since I am the only son alive from this fool, therefore, I am the new king of this realm! I know there are...some people who don't like me. I will deal with them soon. Now, everyone is dismissed." One of the old king's advisors, the only one out of the three who didn't badmouth the oldest son, approached the new ruler.

"Your majesty...shall I prepare the executions for those who had oppose you?" The advisor asked. The new king pondered a bit. It was really tempting, but... "No. Just bring them to the torture room to stay in until they die." The new king replies simply.

The advisor smiles and bows his head.

"It shall be done, King Angel."
Returning to regular world, Zeldris is now with his father in the throne room...

"You called me, father?" Zeldris asks the old man, smoothly. The demon king peered down at what he would call, his little red pest of a son, sneering at him for no good reason. He starts yelling in his booming voice, "What is the meaning of this, Zeldris?! I got news that you had someone make a potion for you in order to get back Meliodas! Explain your-...huh? Are those my drinks?" The demon king asks, voice lowering down. Zeldris nodded his head and handed them to the taller man.

Quick to get a quick fix and just be drunk, the demon king just gulped the two glasses down in one setting, not bothering to inspect them at all. Stupid move. Within seconds, two red eyes bulged out as the demon king started choking and wheezing. The old man quickly realized of what just transpired.

"Zeldris...I don't feel so good."

The piety smirked, "Of course you don't. You dumbass, I just poisoned you. Now, goodnight father. You need it. I will take care of things in your place, plus, I can't have you in my way." The demon king growled hoarsely as he slowly dissolves into dust.


Zeldris yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Yeah, too, old pal. Cusack! Get me another dose of the potion, it's almost time! And you, Chandler! Gather you and Cusack's group just in case if we run into some..mishaps. Or if our precious one, resists. Understood?" Both said 'yes' with Cusack leaving to do his job, though it was Chandler who grumbled it out reluctantly.

All the power that was once in the 'deceased' (taking a looooonnng nap, lol) demon, was now absorbed by Zeldris. Which changed his look drastically. For starters, he got a huge growth spurt and now sported longer, straighter hair. The red color of his clothes turned slightly darker. Lastly, typical 'whiteness' of his eyes turned pitch black while the iris turned into a bright, royal red color.

His demon king form is complete...and everyone who's left in the throne room just pissed their pants.

In the total of eight minutes later, Cusack and Chandler returned with what they had to bring. Zeldris's pink-haired teacher walks up to the newly made king, presenting them him with the bottle of the potion. "Good work." Zel says curtly, snatching the potion from his hands and drinking it in one setting. When he was finished, the king simply threw the bottle, smiling at hearing the glass shatter into pieces. He got up and started walking towards the exit. With the group of soldiers, along with his and Mel's teachers behind him.

"Let's go." He orders. With the snap of his fingers, he disappears. In his place was a woman with black hair, red lips, red dress and red shoes. She looks back with a smile, "What's the hold up? I don't want to waste any more time. Pick up the paste." She says smoothly.

She too, disappears out of sight.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now