Chapter 37

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(Update: Orignally published at midnight. Changed "telepathy" to "telekinesis." If you see that mistake again, just replace it with the correct term in your mind.)

Angel gasped as he felt his body trapped and being squeezed really hard. He hissed at the pain and tried to escape but it's no used. His blue eyes looked back and widening madly at who he saw was keeping him trapped like this and hurting him.

This world's Celine.

"E-Esther, but why? Don't you know of what he has done? He's the true bad guy here!" He said before yelling out in pain as she squeezed tighter, with no mercy. "You hurt me! I don't understand what you little people don't like about us giants! What about that person in your is better than me!" Angel could see the pain and agony in her eyes, but decided not to say anything.

He unknowingly let Tristian do the talking for him.

The boy got up and crossed his arms with a frown, "If you think this will get him to change his mind about loving you. Then you're wrong. I might not know him as much as my younger self thought, but I can tell that this guy will just end up hating you. And you don't want that. I don't know what my father said but don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. He's very manipulative and tricky. Always have something up his sleeve." He saw Zeldris sleeping and that didn't sit well with him. So he grabbed a random metal can he found and threw it at the one on the ground. Waking him up instantly.

"You don't get to sleep, coward!"

With that, he turned his attention back to the giantess and leaped towards her, cutting off the arm she's using to hold Angel. "Sorry, cupcake. Can't let you hurt someone I care about." All of all sudden, he noticed that his second sword, along with Zel's sword and the knife, were missing. What the actual fuck? He swears that he just had them a moment ago.

Suddenly he heard a blood curling scream and then a shaky gasp. Angel and Tristian whipped their heads towards the source and saw something they had tried so hard to prevent. That Tristian had tried so hard to prevent.

Three more of Mel's hearts were pierced through, bringing the total up to six out of seven.

"No..No...m-mom," Tristian pleaded with a crack in his voice, but he soon turned his attention to Zeldris, who was grinning as always, "YOUR DEAD!" Zeldris shook a finger side to side, "No, no, nooo. You are dead." He said in a sing song voice, just as the sword in Tristian's hand was ripped from him and instead, stab him in one of his hearts. Sending the boy flying and pinned to a wall, still pierced by the sword.

Angel growled and tried to fly towards the boy he considers his son in order to help, but Esther stopped him by knocking him out with a punch to his head. Zeldris struggled to get up but managed to be on his own two feet, laughing. "Now look at you three! All battered up and useless. It's this world's fault that I'm like this. Everyone molded me into this image...into this being. I never wanted to be like this. All I wanted was love, attention and acceptance. But the world is too cruel and unfair to give me that. Everyone will die here, starting with the one who stole my heart and crushed it in his own hands. Meliodas." Tristian struggled, not caring at the increasing pain as he made the hole in his heart slowly bigger.

"No...don't do it, please..please..." he begged, tears now streaming down his face. But it only resulted in a scream as two swords and the knife stabbed his other hearts once. While the knife was used to stab another one. Bringing his total to five out of seven gone. When Zeldris was convinced that Tristian will shut up, did he turned his attention back to Mel. After being so 'kind' enough to remove the extra swords from his son's body, leaving him with the one he started out with when he was stabbed the first time.

Zeldris focused on the swords and knife until they reached his hand with him grasping the weapons, dropping most except for one sword. Pointing it at Mel's last, beating heart. "You want to know how I managed to get the upper hand and use these without me holding onto them?'s all thanks to telekinesis. Gained it from this potion that gave me the ability to do this." A bright gray light suddenly appeared and engulfed Zel into it quickly, but soon released him, revealing a young woman with black hair, red lips and red clothing.


Meliodas didn't blink an eye while Tristian on the other hand, could only glare at her, full of hate and the strive for revenge in his veins. He knew something was up but he could never expect this to be the result. Meliodas struggled to sit up, but eventually was able to do so. Even if it was just a little bit.

He spit out more blood flowing into and soon spilling out of his mouth, "Y-Y-Yo-Yo-You will never...under-stand. N-N-Nor will you w-w-w-wi-win. Life will just be...sad Zel." Zel as Marie, directed the sword to rip through Mel's skin once again and pierced through his last heart. Mel shakily looked at a sobbing Tristian staring back at him, an unconscious Angel and then at his killer, with a wobbly smile.

"I...I love you...all."

His eyes went unfocused, the color turned dull and empty.

A small puff of breath escaped his lips for the last time.

Meliodas is dead.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now