Annoucement #2!

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Hey you guys! As you noticed with me posting three chapters at once, I'm back! We're finally heading towards the climax/end of the this book. It's been so fun writing this story out and interacting with you guys. There will be upcoming moments that might be intense or even sad. But just hang in there if you feel like your going to cry, get mad or something. When I do finish the book and start the new one ("Are you happy Tristian"), I think I will let you guys know when it's up either through the announcement section thing on my page in Wattpad or in this book. So if your still interested in seeing through this series till the end then be on the lookout.

Anyways, see ya and if I can, I will be watching out for some comments, votes and etc.

Take care and stay safe! ^^

- ShimmerStar3 ❤️

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