Chapter 30

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(Warning: This chapter will include a sex scene. If you don't want to witness this, then I suggest you skip ahead when the time comes. That is all, hope you enjoy this chapter!)

The next day in the afternoon, after spending the morning bonding and more catching up, Tristian felt curious and wanted to try...something. He looked outside to see many couple holding hands and just being in love. In the past, this would seem Tristian since he coupdn't relate. But now, it's not and instead, it's rather lovely to witness. He can finally relate himself to the lovers out there, since he's in love. A knock on his door took him out of the trance and brought him back to reality.

"Hello daydreamer! Whatcha doin'?" Florist asked, leaning against the door frame with a smirk. Tristian looked back at her and snorted. "Ohhh, nothing. Just thinking about something I wanted to try...with you." That definitely sparked up Florist's interest and curiosity. "Huh, is that so. What is it that you want to try out? Might be fun!" Florist asked with a gentle and encouraging smile.

Tristian blushed slightly and looked towards the bed as he answered, "Well...I was thinking if we can take, uh, the next level. If you know what I mean. It's okay if you don't want to, I don't want to pressure nor rush you." Florist was intrigued by the offer, walking slowly towards the bed, knowing that her boyfriend's eyes are all focused on her.

She started playing with one of her braids in her hair, twirling it around her finger. "To be honest, I don't mind. But are you sure that you want to see me naked?" Tristian rolled his eyes as he got up and flopped on the bed like some lazy monkey. "If I wasn't okay with it, I wouldn't even propose this. Let alone, be your boyfriend." Florist nodded her head with a chuckle. "Alright, Alright. You got a point there. I'm...ready, I trust you." Tristian smiled and crawled towards her slowly. Until he was hovering over her, each leg at the side of hips.

"Music to my ears."

He leans down and takes her lips in a deep, powerful kiss. Florist immediately reciprocated, moaning quietly. As the two got more into it, the more passionate they become. Soon, their hips started grinding together, which briefly separated their lips in order for Tristian to hiss in pleasure. But not for long, soon, the two lovers' lips connected again.

Tristian's hands started to roam up and down the upper part of Florist's body, taking in the smooth skin and the rolls of her stomach. He pulls his lips away from Florist's and moves to kiss down her neck before stopping for a bit to slowly lick up and down the neck. Then, he started to gently bite and suck parts of the neck here and there, causing Florist to take a sharp intake of breath. After giving that area enough attention, he started to move down her body. When he reached her stomach, he stopped kissing and looked up at his girlfriend. Hands holding the sides of her dress.

"Ready to move on?" He ask gently with a smile.

Florist smiled back and nodded her head, "Yeah I'm ready. Go ahead."

Tristian lifted up the bottom of her dress and slowly pulled down her underwear, marveling at the exposed sight of her vagina. He threw the article of clothing somewhere, not caring where it landed, while his eyes never left the sight before him. His gazed stayed there for a few minutes, making Florist curious and a bit squirmy. "Your not secretly a cannibal, are you?" She asked feeling 'nervous.' Tristian finally broke away from the trance with a snort, leaning down to place a single kiss on it. "No, you doofus. Now enjoy the show." Right after he said that, Florist froze with a sharp gasp, as she felt something wet and smooth entering her folds. Licking all over inside.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now