Chapter 39

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Meliodas could only stare at the body of his child, blankly. He is in utter disbelief that Tristian would do this sort of thing for him. Mel wanted to cry, but he remembered the promise he made to Tristian before he died, so he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Just as Zeldris opened his mouth.

"Finally! It's over...he's out of the way. Don't be so down Meliodas, his time was  up anyways.  Now, we can be don't have to fight me anymore." The blond could only growl as he stood up and turned part of his head slightly towards the crazy man.

He cleared his throat a bit and glared at the man, "I remembered feeling you not to do anything to harm my son. Did you listen? NO YOU didn't! And for that, for all the pain and chaos you caused, you're going to DIE!" Mel turned on his assault mode and flew right at Zeldris, easing dodging everything the man is using to throw him off guard. When the black haired demon tried to use the knife again, the blond easily caught it in his hands when thrown at him.

Once he reached Zel, Meliodas immediately sliced a deep slash across his throat, making Zel start choking on his own blood. A few sputtered out and splattered onto Mel's face, which also has splashes of Tristian's blood as well. " killed my child but yet, like the genetic makeup of a child, your blood mingled with his. How messed up do you have to be to kill your only son?" Meliodas asked lowly in a menacing way. He took ahold of Zel's hand and grasped on a fingernail of his.

Mel leaned down towards Zel's ear, "I want you to experience the pain Tristian felt when he had to fight you and was eventually killed by you." One by one, the nails were ripped harshly from the fingers, skin ripped and meshed together as blood easily poured out. Zel screamed and withered in agony as Mel moved on and did the same with the other hand.

Once he was done, Meliodas dropped his hand fast, really disgusted. "It hurts, right? Well, that's how my fucking son felt! He would gladly give you his love but you drove him away! Me and Estarossa would've gladly give you our love but you drove us away! You always had it! But the moment you let the darkness consumed you was the day you not only lost it, but also got denied. I...can't help it by hating you so much. You only job now!" He used telepathy as well to bring a sword to him. Then he did some sort of moving pattern spell with his hands, a red light glowing. When it was gone, it revealed a small bottle.

"I always known this spell ever since we were really young. It's poison for demon kings in order for them to stay dead forever and never come back," he explained as he opened it to bathe it in the sword he's going to use, to Zel's horror, "Since it seemed like you got the powers and image of the demon king, this would work fine on you." Zeldris gasped loudly as he felt his arms being cut off. Now he's just a lump of body with a head and neck. Though damaged.

The effects of the poison started to work quickly, as Meliodas hears the hissing and groaning from Zeldris. Ah, he's still alive then. The blond kneeled in front of Zeldris with an angry glare before getting right back up. Putting his sword right in position. "Any last words?" He asked the one on the floor. Zeldris nodded his head, "Yeah..I-I just..." Mel suddenly didn't want to hear anything that Zel had to say.

Stab! "DIE!"

"W-Wait Mel, I'm just really s-"

Stab! Stab! Stab! "DIE!"

"I-I now realized.."


Stab! Stab! "DIE! D-."

Suddenly two pairs of hands firmly grasped Mel's, preventing the other from continuing on the brutal and messy crusade of attacks. Mel has on an angry, crazed look plastered on his face as he slowly turned to look behind him. That expression soon melted away and was instead turned into shock when he sees someone he recognized and missed so much.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now