Chapter 5

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Angel woke up ten minutes later, eyes opening quickly and looking around. He touched his chest with one of his hands, not feeling that unexpected pain anymore. 'What in the world was that?!' He exclaimed in his head. This was worse than any of father's punishments back in his world. Soon, his thoughts turned towards the sorceress who got him into this mess.

"Once I get my hands on her, she WILL be sorry. How was I suppose to know that this spell would take me to another...what did she call it other than world...yes, universe?! My goodness."

The demon was getting angrier by the minute, but then, he was reminded of his current job. To find this Meliodas person that piggy claims is in peril. Remembering the picture Arthur showed him also help calming him down a bit. He got up and started to walk aimlessly around the beach. Where should he start? The corner of his left eye seemingly gave him an answer when he spotted silver and mint green trees.

Angel rolled his eyes and shrugged while opening up his wings to get ready to fly, "Sure! Let's get bored again and go to yet, another forest. Yip-pee, ugh. Boriiiiiing, but whatever."

Then he started flying and was off.
Two weeks later...

This. Was. AWESOME. News!

Dear ol' Zel seemed to have forgiven Meliodas and cooled off over the past two weeks. Tristian is very much alive and safe in Meliodas's presence, only because their abuser is out doing some business and being a henchman for someone (the Demon King). As reward for 'fixing' his behavior, Zeldris gave Meliodas another chance to roam free throughout the castle and go outside during the morning. It's currently 9am and Zeldris has been out since midnight and won't be expected back by two in the afternoon, for some reason.

This is the only chance they got, the two have to go now.

Once his dad was out of sight, Tristan has been eagerly helping his mama packing everything they need as quickly as possible. Even giggling and babbling sweet nonsense along the way, bringing a smile on Mel's face. That's all he wants, for Tristan to be happy and live the best life that he possibly can.

Meliodas placed his hands inside one of his pockets and took out a beautiful necklace with a diamond heart hanging at the bottom. He walked over to where the baby was stuffing things like clothing, diaper and their supplies, toys and food inside his bag.

"Hey Tristaaaaan, I got something for you darling."

"Hmmmmm?" Tristian perked up with interest, scrambling towards his mother with his arms up. Meliodas chuckled and did as requested, settling him on his hip. He opened the top of the necklace and placed it around Tristian's neck, connecting it back together again.

Before Tristian could try to attempt to say 'what is this,' Meliodas answered the nonverbal question. " you remember Maid Patricia(OC character)," Tristian nodded his head and clapping happily, "-laughs and kisses Tristian's cheek- With her help, I made this special necklace. It's job is to protect in all ways possible from threats. Inside this heart, is your favorite picture of us two out the the few that we ever took. So just in case if we ever get can just look inside here whenever your upset.." Tristian shook his head vigorously, a pout forming on his lips.

"No uh-way frum" His frown deepened with even thinking of the possibility.

Meliodas felt a pant of hurt and guilt for taking away that beautiful smile. But since his son has been blessed and cursed with being so advanced for his age, he has to stick to reality in a way that's appropriate for a child his age. Therefore, give the possibility of them separating.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now