Chapter 3

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This chapter will introduce an OC character that I created, by the way, thanks for the response! The picture below is kind of what I imagined of what they look like in my head.(Now let's get back to the story!)

**********************************************************************************It has been two days since Hawk left the Boar Hat in order to find Meliodas on his own

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It has been two days since Hawk left the Boar Hat in order to find Meliodas on his own. To prove to everyone that he's useful to them, if not in combat, then in bringing family back together. His stomach rumbled loudly, causing the pig to groan.

"Ugh! I need foooooood! I knew I should've packed some before I left..." Hawk whined and grumbled out at the same time.

Suddenly, a low chuckle rang through the quiet woods, the place where Hawk is at. For some reason, it sent shivers down Hawk's spine. This doesn't seem very welcoming at all.
Hawk bit his lower lip in worry, "Oh I do hope that I don't meet any meanies today."

"Meanies? I don't think you will find anyone like that here. Besides, who are you?"


Hawk shrieked when a man with white hair and icy blue eyes dropped gracefully in front of him, smirking. When the pig looked up at his face, it ringed bells due to it being somewhat familiar.

"Huh? Meliodas, I found you! Yipeee!" He jumped and was about to hug the living daylights out of the person but the latter caught ahold of the pig just in time.

Chuckling, the man says, "Who's Meliodas? I don't know him. Sorry, dear. I'm Angel, though it's real funny," his smile turns into a somewhat scary smirk, "since I'm a demon...the prince of demons, to be exact."

Hawk's blood ran cold as the once icy blue eyes turned black, "W-Well, whaddaya know, look at the time! I best be on my-"

"Awww, why leave? It's been a while since I had a companion ever since I came into this type of world. Besides, you can either help me go back...or you can be my dinner." Angel says, still smirking.

Hawk was about to shake his head no, but soon caught glimpse of a dagger in one of Angel's pockets. The demon smiled widely, showing his sharp teeth and opening up his wings to fly away with his captive.

"Wh-Where are we going exactly?"

"Well piggy, the sorceress from my world said to go to a kingdom where the ruler either has orange, black or white hair. Before I rested in that boring forest, I traveled a bit and saw this kingdom called Camelot."

"So we're going to see Arthur!"

"-raises an eyebrow- Whatever makes you cooperative, piggy. Shut up now, we're here."
Arthur was laying down on the grass outside the gate, looking at the sky when all of a sudden, a black streak flashed through. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, looking around to see where it went. Once he turned towards his right, a figure was right there.

The king pulled his sword out immediately, "Who are you?! Your have tres..whaaaa? Meliodas?!!"

Angel scowled and lightly smacked his forehead before pinching the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in annoyance. He opened them again a minute later, deciding to cross his arms and glare at the king instead.

"The second person today to call me Meliodas. Who is he? I should kill this guy for causing me so much paiin."

"Okay, sorry. What is your name then? Arthur asks casually.

Hawk answered for the demon, "Angel. From another world. This is Meliodas, but also not, if you get what I mean. By the way, hiiiii!"

"-snorts- Hello, Hawk. Also, thanks, I got ya. -turning his attention back on the annoyed demon- Would you like to see a picture of Meliodas? To understand why people are calling you by his name?"

Angel shrugged and nodded, "I guess that wouldn't hurt. But hurry up, we don't have all day.."

The three went inside the gates and later into the castle itself, one of the first pictures they see is a portrait of Meliodas himself. Arthur pointed towards it once close enough, "That's him."

When the, once again, icy blue eyes laid on the picture, Angel's hearts stopped for a quick second. He finally sees why, but damn is this Meliodas person, breathtaking. Angel looks behind at Arthur. "Where is he now?"

He looks confused when Hawk frowns sadly and Arthur gives a empathetic look towards the pig.

"He's missing...that's the person I told you that I want to find." Hawk whispered out sadly.

You should know, Angel loves animals and he would never eat Hawk for dinner or at anytime. The pig is just so cute! So it kinda rubbed him the wrong way to see his captive, ahem, companion, to be upset.

'I guess my quest to get back home can wait.' Angel clears his throat and rolls his eyes to come off as someone who doesn't care, "Let's find him."

Hawk's mouth gaped open, "Ar-Are you sure? You don't have-"

Angel shrugs, "It's fine. So...we're going?"

"Hell yeah! Want to join us, Arthur?"

Arthur smiled softly but shook his head, "I can't. I have to look after my people."

The two shrugged, with Angel picking up Hawk again, getting ready to fly. "Understandable. Let's go piggy."

After waving goodbye, they were off.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now