Chapter 9

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Another time skip: 3 years
"'s Tristian. Wake up! I wember you! I wember you! I protect you now, pwomise!" Tristian calls out to an unconscious Meliodas frantically. They are on a island surrounded by nothing but water.

Meliodas groaned and slowly fluttered his eyes open. Once he did, he looked around his surroundings. His eyes soon landed on a boy with worried black eyes looking at him. The blond smiles, recognizes him as his child. Meliodas remembers everything, including the new memories added to his collection. Which included him being kidnapped and having a child with his rather delusional brother.
He also remembers Angel and his love for him. After narrowly escaping Zeldris all those years ago, he and Angel traveled to a small, unknown country that was mostly abandoned except for a few people. Everything was going well, they had gotten closer as lovers and were living their best life. Three days ago, Meliodas was fixing a little girl's doll when one of her brothers accidentally kicked the ball far off and it slammed itself against Mel's forehead, causing a ringing sensation to go off inside.

The seal made it's final cracks before it burst into millions of pieces, Meliodas's original plan from all those years ago had failed. When all the memories came flooding in, instead of being happy once he was conscious in his and Angel's room, he bursted out crying. That one thing he didn't want to remember had came back.

The death of his old lover, Elizabeth.

Angel didn't even had time to talk with Meliodas about it and comfort him when Arthur delivered another blow. Zeldris had found Tristian's location and is coming after him. This caused Mel to panic and he immediately wanted to fly and get his son before his father did.

"Meliodas, don't! I have a feeling that this is just a trap. What if he's just planning to gather you guys somewhere near him and just kidnap you both? I've been in situations where..." Meliodas interrupts him.

"Angel, I don't think you understand how Zeldris is, believe me, it's crazy. Plus, my son is in danger. No way am I going to let him get to my child."

But Angel wouldn't budge on going after Tristian, " don't understand.."

"Yes I do! What the hell are you talking about? You never been a parent, so don't tell me what's good or not good for my child! If your not going to help me, then leave me be." Mel lashed out fiercely.

All that was left was silence, then Angel walked away, without saying a word of retaliation.

His lover gave him the silent treatment, even as Meliodas left and flew near Lioness, where he saw a young boy with black eyes and dark brown hair. A certain necklace with a heart at the bottom was there and that helped Mel confirm that this is his son. Tristian.

Oh how his baby had grown, he can definitely see himself and..-shudders- Zeldris in him. But he's a cute kid, regardless. So he guess that's a thanks he can give to Zeldris once he's ready to face him. He calls out his name and the boy immediately turns to the source of the voice, eyes brightening when he sees his mother for the first time in years.

Tristian starts running, "Mama! Mama!"

"Tristan, come here, I missed you." Meliodas says lovingly, hugging his son close once the latter reached him. The loving reunion didn't last for long, sadly. A booming and menacing laugh ranged through their ears and sent shivers down their spines. They slowly turned to face Zeldris in the air, smiling.

"Huh? My plan worked after all...hello family."
That's how he and Tristian ended up here, on Zeldris's private, secluded island. Rarely anyone has found it yet. He kindly declined Tristian's offer to help up, doing it himself instead. The boy noticed that the man mama was with a long time ago wasn't with him when they reunited.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now