Chapter 23

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(Author:We're going to take a couple steps back and see what lead up to this moment, starting with this chapter. Sorry for the short chapter in advance! Enjoy!)
One week ago..

Tristian gathered his horse and other supplies that he would need for the journey. Everyone in Camelot waved goodbye to him as he mounted on his horse and went on his way. As he rides through the gardens and out the gate, a bit of fear slithered into his chest. What if mom doesn't recognize him? What if mom doesn't want to see him and go back home, wherever he is? It has been more than a decade and Tristian knows how troubled Meliodas could be, especially with what happened between his mother and Angel. So the boy wouldn't blame his parent if his reaction..a bit off from pleasant.

He just wished from a young age that Meliodas would give some of the burdens he's carrying onto him. Surprisingly, Tristian rememberers all those moments when he was with his mom as a baby, in his father's home. Especially about Mel's unbearable pain. But being the strong man he is, Meliodas persevered it and eventually made it out alive.

"I guess that's where I got mine from." Tristian whispers to himself. Many people of Camelot were impressed by the boy never giving up in anything rigorous, like training with Arthur and sparring. If he's pushed down, he gets right back up. Tristian always says to people who lost and stay down to get back on their feet.

For example, the demon boy would raise an eyebrow, "You got good legs. Use them, get up."
Tristian is officially a candidate to take Merlin's spot as the sin of gluttony.

He had been riding for over thirty minutes and he already ate half the food he packed, which is a lot. Since Tristian insisted on somehow bringing a whole buffet with him on his journey. Despite many protest from others. And get this, before he left, he had breakfast. Our boy is born as apart of the small percentage who have high metabolism, lucky.

As he approaches the Forest of the Forgotten, things suddenly turned quiet. Too quiet. Wind started to blow freezing cold air into the sky. The pearly white leaves on trees rustled ferociously as if they're fighting for their lives.

Something isn't right here.

All of a sudden, a loud, thunderous screech could be heard from the light gray sky. Tristian looked up quickly and his eyes widened when he spotted a big, red and black dragon appearing out of nowhere and swooping down towards him.

"Shit! Hurry up you stupid horse! What the actual fuck is that?!" Tristian cursed out, panicking. With the repeated kicks of his foot against it's side, the horse sped up quickly, going as fast as it can. But sadly, that wasn't enough.

In a blink of an eye, Tristian was hit and fell into unconsciousness.
Eyes opened and looked up at the royal, blood red ceiling full of emptiness. In his heart, he could feel that his pal did his job. Tristian is where he should be now, that the boy wanted to be at in the first place.

Where Meliodas is.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now