Side Story#2: How Angel came to this world

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(Warning: gory death scene, abuse and possible foul language. We are witnessing the old Angel, who is in his demon form/assault mode. )

In the demon realm...

"My prince, it's ready. Your now able to travel to different worlds. Shall I set the preparations?" The sorceress asks. A man with hair as black as death with the eyes matching, peered downwards at her with bored eyes that lack any emotion, reaction or feeling, his facial expression looked neutral and that he's dead.

But he's not, don't you worry.

His boots make a sharp 'clang!' sound with every step as he slowly paces back and forth. "Sure...I guess. But I'm bored, do you have any ideas?" The sorceress closed her eyes and chuckled softly, bored as always it seems.

"Yes, Prince Angel. There are some prisoners from the giant and human realm who are waiting to be executed." That lighten up Angel's eyes. Killing beings, especially giants, are always fun. He could do it in anyway he wants.

Only his eyes showed a reaction, but his body language, voice and action stayed the same. "Alright, I will go to them then. Tell me when it's ready to be used. Got it?" He flies off as the sorceress nodded her head.

" prince."
Angel reaches the door of where all prisoners were held. He takes out a special key and unlocks it, going inside. Everything was silent and no eyes were on the prince. Who is known to be the most cunning, brutal and heartless demon to ever live, next to his father. He is the only one who can stand up to his dad without getting a punishment and be at par with him when it comes to combat.

"Soooo, who wants to go first?" He asks, grabbing a list of the pending executions attached to the inside of the door. Of course, no one says anything. Angel hums softly, walking through the long hauls and looking at everyone. He spots a giantess who is kind of on the heavier side and who seems to Angel, that she is 'slow.' With the snap of his fingers, her door was unlocked and it opened wide.

"Hello there, come out. Everything will be okay, trust me." Angel says extra soft with a voice as soothing and 'honey-filled' as ever. Like he predicted, within seconds, the girl is comfortable with him and slowly crawls out.

He walks over and reaches out to rub her stomach. "What's your name, darling?" The girl mumbled out an answer, but Angel 'couldn't hear her.' He asks again, "What's your name? I can't hear you."

She says it again, "It..It Celine." Angel grins darkly, eyes flashing blood red for a quick second. Everyone except for Celine noticed it as always. The girl opened her mouth a bit, but quickly slammed it shut. Of course Angel caught onto that.

He squints his eyes slightly, "It seems like you have something you want to say. What is it?" She hesitates at first but the man seems so nice, so she decides to throw a Hail Mary and tries her luck, "I..I got a crush on you. I think about you a lot."

Ah, this is interesting but not uncommon. "Oh really? I'm curious...what about me do you think about?"

"I don't know if it's good to tell. It embarrassing. No one knows except...except me." She replies, scared.

Angel rolls his eyes when she wasn't focused on him and climbed on her until he is standing on her right shoulder. He moves close and says breathlessly in her ear, "Tell me beautiful...what do you think about me? Is it a scenario? How I look like? You can tell me... you can trust me."

Celine gulps and closes her eyes tightly, fighting back tears of upcoming embarrassment. "I...I see you and me getting married and you make me feel good in our private bedroom. We have a family and are happy. No one is mean to me since you would be there to help me." Angel had to take a second in order to fight back a laugh, this is really amusing.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now