Chapter 40 (Final chapter)

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Florist was humming a hymn her mother taught her, combing her hair as she admired herself in the mirror. She is sporting a flowy, white dress and a hairband of the same color. Right next to her on the table was a ring she made of her own that she will give to Tristian when he comes back.

The bedroom door opened and two maids come in.

Florist stopped combing her hair and turned around to greet them with a smile, "Hello Lucille and Mary. How may I be of service to you two?" The ladies looked at each other and smiled back softly, " many times do we have to tell you? It's fine. We're here to serve you." Florist snorted but didn't say anything further. Mary held a single folded piece of paper in her hand, tied with a pink ribbon. Florist noticed that they were acting rather weird.

"What is it? Spit it out. What are you guys here for?" She asked, worried. Mary and Lucille debated whether they should give her the letter and speak about this. It took them a few minutes before they finally made a decision. Even if it might hurt her...

She deserves to know the truth.

Florist raised an eyebrow, God bless her heart, still being patient and waiting. "Well...ready now? Your scaring me to be honest." Both maids quickly apologized, with Mary holding the letter out to Florist. "M'lady...this is from Sir Tristian's parent, Meliodas..." Florist smiled and took the letter, thanking Mary. She untied the ribbon with such gentleness and placed it on the table, she then lifted the top and bottom individually before holding it out to her eyes and starting reading it.



The fiancé gasped loudly, covering her mouth,"...oh no...not him.... please no..." Suddenly she felt nauseous and got up, running towards the bathroom with tears in her eyes and letter in hand. Mary and Lucille frowned sympathetically with the girl.

"Oh dear...she's sick again."
The bright, beautiful garden complimented the silver tombstone sitting in the middle of all it. Surrounded by beautiful and exotic flowers of all kinds. The spirit of the child of Eden looked down with a smile. Ghosting a hand over the top of grave itself, slowly and gently.

"See you in the next stage."

Sorry for the short chapter but it is! The end of the book as a New Year's gift! Thank you all so much for supporting me, I had so much fun writing this. Unless if of course, I forgot to publish it or hadn't finished it yet, then I believe the first chapter or so of 'Are you Happy Tristian' should be published. If you don't see it then first, try to refresh your page, get out of the app, etc. or if it ends up that I actually didn't publish it(which you should message me if you want, just in case), then wait a few hours to a day. It will be there then. Again thank you all! If you want to see this whole journey to the end, then read the last book of the series! Take care and stay safe! ^^

Happy New Year's!


Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now