Chapter 26

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Day 2 of 7...

Meliodas was off doing something, leaving Tristian behind, for a bit. The boy was bored beyond his mind, doing nothing but sitting around with his puppies. Everything was relatively quiet until Shadow started growling and barking, followed by small whines from Midnight. Tristian opened his eyes, confused, he followed their gaze and locked eyes with Marie. Who was now standing there, arms crossed.

"May I help you with something?" Tristian asked her slowly. He was confused on why she's wearing all for. Her dress, heels, lipstick and even earrings are red. Her outfit and black hair set off another unsettling feeling for some reason. All of that and her eyes just reminds him of someone...someone not good.

Marie cleared her throat and gained back his attention, "Actually...there is something you can help me with. Do you know where your father has gone too?" She was clearly referring to Meliodas, it seems, but no way was Tristian going to correct her. Just in case if she ends up actually being bad news. "No I don't...all he said to me is that he's going somewhere to do something." Tristian answered.

The young woman shrugged, "Why don't you come down here? Don't you trust me?" Well, this caused alarm bells to ring in his head. "Who said anything about trust, lady?" Tristian whispered out, suspicious. Marie cackled and turned around, waving her hand lazily in a form of a 'goodbye.' By the time Meliodas came back, an hour later, Tristian already feels uncomfortable with her and wants to leave. But he can't just yet...

"Are you okay, buddy?" Meliodas ask him, looking straight into whatever part of his eyes that are visible. Tristian nodded and closed them, trying to relax and get rid of the theory of her being some sort of shapeshifter, more specifically, Zeldris.

If that were to happen, everything would be in trouble.
Day 5 out of 7

It's time for their talk.

Will his mom come back to Camelot with him? Who knows.

Tristian and Meliodas were sitting by a lake together, looking up at the bright, baby blue sky.  The two were quiet for a while, basking in the peace before their conversation. After several more minutes, Tristian looked at his mom and cleared his throat. "I..I was wondering, since I'm about to leave in about two days, how about you come back to Camelot with me? Everyone misses you there. I miss you there." Meliodas wasn't totally surprised at this request. He closes his eyes for a bit before opening them again, looking sideways at his son.


Tristian was shocked. "Huh? But why?! You have been gone from my life for more than a decade! I just found you. Why don't you want to go home where you.." Meliodas held up his hand, "But this is my home now. I don't want to...go back." Tristian quickly looked away, balling up his shaky fist.

" This is pathetic. Your so set on running away from your problems to the point that you would turn, I can't. This is sad.." Meliodas looked on sadly as Tristian's eyes started to slowly tear up due to anger. "Hey...please try to understand. I don't think it's safe if I'm there. For me, especially for all of you." Tristian made a 'pfft' sound and rolled his eyes. "And what makes you think that this island is safe, huh? Tell me that......of course, you can't. I'm finding my own place to stay for the remaining time I have here. Bye." With that, Tristian got up and walked away.

Just like many times with Angel, Meliodas lets him go.
Day 6 out of 7....

Mom...I want to apologize for my behavior yesterday, it was wrong me to...

It's fine, I deserved it...but please leave me alone now.

B-But, I'm about to leave tomorrow! I don't want to..

Honey, it's fine...I will be fine. I promise. Go. See you next time if fate allows it.

Okay mom...I'm going...I-I-I'm going...
Day 7 out of 7......

Tristian stayed longer than he expected, until the night time when Meliodas was sleeping. He was sitting nearby as he heard soft snores coming from his mom. Tristian has a feeling that something could happened. But if his mom doesn't want to go and thinks that this island is safe, then so be it. He won't force and instead, try to have trust in his judgement.

His two puppies were safely put in a satchel Meliodas made for him, sleeping soundly with soft smiles on their faces, small but chubby bellies full of food and milk. He looks down at them and pets one head gently before doing the same to the other one. After two minutes, Tristian finally got up and walked towards his sleeping mom, squatting down right next to him.

He leans down and gives Mel's forehead a soft kiss, careful not to wake or stir him up.

"Goodbye, I love you."

Tristan starts flying, officially gone.
Her red lips stretched in a devious smile as she looks on from a window.

"It's time..."

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now