When you get sick

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~ Zarkon ~

Shortly after Zarkon recovered from his sickness you started getting sick. You knew that you probably only had a mild cold. So now, he was trying to take care of you.

"I made you soup. How are you feeling, Y/n?" Zarkon asked you as he gave you a bowl of warm spaghetti sauce.

"I guess I'm okay. But this is spaghetti sauce." You told him, your throat hurting a little.

"Oh, sorry. I thought that it was tomato soup. I'll get you some of that 'top ramen' you gave me." Zarkon said as he took the bowl back and went into the kitchen.

You watched as he went to your kitchen, hoping that he would figure out how to make soup. You grabbed a tissue and blew your nose. You hoped that you would get better soon.


~ Alfor ~

You laid on your couch and wheezed. You had been diagnosed with Covid. You knew that you were probably going to die alone since all of the hospitals were full. When you heard a knock at the front door you slowly got up and answered it.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Alfor asked as soon as you opened the front door and saw you.

"I have Covid, a deadly virus. I'm probably going to die." You told him.

"You absolutely will not!" Alfor said seriously as he picked you up bridal style and grabbed your house/apartment key.

You wheezed as you closed your eyes. Once he locked your front door Alfor took you to Red and put you in the healing pod. All he had to do now was wait for you to get better.


~ Blaytz ~

You tried your best not to itch the red spots on your body as you laid on your couch. You caught the measles and you were itchy all over. When a knock sounded at your front door you remembered that Blaytz was going to visit you. You hesitatly got up and answered the door.

"Hey Y/n, what's goi- Why are you covered in red spots?" Blaytz asked you curiously.

"I have the measles. I'm contagious right now." You said seriously.

"Relax, I'm immune to most illnesses on Earth. Aside from allergies, of course. Besides, I have a cream that helps take away itching. I can go get it." Blaytz said reassuringly.

"Okay." You said as you closed your door.

Blaytz went back to Blue and got the cream. When he got back to your house/apartment you let him in. You were surprised at how effective his itch cream was after he helped you put it on.


~ Gyrgan ~

When you woke up with a fever, stuffy nose and sore throat you knew that you were sick. You knew that it was probably just a cold because you avoided other sick people. When you heard a knock on your front door you grabbed a tissue and went to answer it. As expected, it was Gyrgan.

"Are you sick?" Gyrgan asked you as he walked through your front door.

"Yes, I'm ick. And I hate it." You said, closing your front door once he was inside.

"I see. I can make you some soup, if you like." Gyrgan said softly.

"That sounds nice. Thank you." You said as you went to go lay down on your couch.

Gyrgan went into your kitchen and found a can of soup. Since you taught him how to heat food up he easily made the soup. Before you knew it, he brought it to you alone with a spoon. You were happy that he decided to visit when he did.


~ Trigel ~

While you were washing some dishes you suddenly felt dizzy and sick to your stomach. You turned the water off and ran to your bathroom. You opened the toilet and knelt down in front of it. You didn't know how you got the stomach flu, but somehow you must have gotten it while you were out somewhere. Once you were finished getting sick you wiped your lower face off and rinsed your mouth out.

You groaned as you left your bathroom. Right as you were going to your living room you heard a knock at your front door. You hesitantly went to answer it. As soon as you opened it you saw Trigel.

"Hey." You said, your stomach still hurting.

"Hello Y/n, what's wrong?" Trigel asked you.

"I'm sick. I have the stomach flu." You told her.

"I see. I can help you. I have something in my lion that helps with stomach problems. I'll be back soon." Trigel said.

"Okay." You said, closing your front door.

Trigel went back to her lion and got a few herbs that she brought from her planet. She hoped that this would help you. When she got back to your house/apartment she let herself in since the door was unlocked.

"Here, try this." Trigel said as she walked into your living room and over to the couch where you were resting.

You opened your eyes and saw her holding out a strange dried leaf. You took the leaf from her and slowly ate it. Within a few moments after eating it you started to feel a little better. Trigel decided to stay with you until you felt better.

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