When they walk in on you

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~ Zarkon ~

One afternoon while Zarkon was doing something in your bathroom you decided to go watch one of your favorite shows in your bedroom. The reason you didn't want him finding out was that you found one of the characters extremely attractive. You occasionally wrote about them on your Wattpad account.

"Y/n?" Zarkon asked as he entered your bedroom.

"Z-Zarkon!" You yelped, turning your phone off.

"What were you watching?" Zarkon asked you curiously.

"U-um… Nothing! Nothing at all!" You said as innocently as you could.

"Okay…" Zarkon said, leaving your room.

You breathed a sigh of relief as he left. You turned your phone back on and watched the last of the episode.


~ Alfor ~

One evening while you were getting to bed you saw a black dot right on the center of your bed. When you looked at it closer you saw that it was a spider. You tried to move it yourself, but it moved and you yelped. Alfor heard you and burst into your room.

"Y/n, what's wr- Oh, I'm sorry!" Alfor said, quickly covering his eyes when he saw that you were only wearing your pajama pants and a bra.

"There's a spider on my bed." You said, taking your bra off and putting your pajama shirt on.

Alfor uncovered his eyes after you were decent. He ran out of your room and came back a few minutes later with a random jar. He scooped the spider in the jar and put the lid on.

"Um, thanks." You said awkwardly.

"You're welcome. I'm sorry for walking in when you were indecent. Well, goodnight." Alfor said as he left your room

Once he left your room you blushed, realizing what just happened. Meanwhile, Alfor couldn't believe that he saw you half naked.


~ Blaytz ~

While you were getting ready one morning you couldn't figure out what to wear. You didn't care that you were only in your bra and panties as you looked around in your closet/dresser.

"Y/n, I made breakfa- Oh, I'll wait until you're finished." Blaytz said as he covered his eyes.

"Thank you. I'll be done getting dressed soon." You said, a dark blush covering your face.

Blaytz turned around and left. Once he was back in your kitchen he uncovered his eyes and set the table. You found something to wear and went to go have some breakfast. Meanwhile, Blaytz couldn't believe that he finally saw you mostly naked.


~ Gyrgan ~

One afternoon while Gyrgan was taking a shower you were browsing videos on YouTube. When you came across one of your favorite songs you couldn't help but sing. While you were singing you didn't see Gyrgan walk into your living room. He smiled, thinking that your singing was nice. He waited until you were finished before he made himself known.

"Your singing is nice." Gyrgan said, smiling at you.

"Gyrgan! How much of that did you hear? How long have you been standing there?" You asked him in pure shock.

"I heard quite a bit. And I've been standing here since the song was half finished." Gyrgan told you, coming to sit on the couch too.

You blushed, not expecting your boyfriend to walk in on you singing. Gyrgan leaned down and kissed your forehead.


~ Trigel ~

One morning when you woke up early you couldn't get back to sleep, so you decided to do your morning routine. Without thinking, you got out of your pajamas, bit a bra on and went to your bathroom only wearing a bra and panties. Right as you were brushing your teeth Trigel walked into the bathroom.

"T-Trigel!" You gasped, turning around when you saw her reflection in the mirror.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to see if you were alright.

"Uh, yeah, I'm alright." You said awkwardly.

Trigel went back to the guest bedroom once she knew that you were alright. You quickly finished brushing your teeth before you went to go put something on.

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