When you fall asleep on them

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~ Zarkon ~

After a long day of helping Zarkon with Emperor stuff you both finally got a chance to relax. You had no idea of how he could still have energy. While you both were cuddling on the large couch in your private living room you fell asleep on him.

"I suppose we should get ready for bed." Zarkon said, thinking that you were awake.

You smiled in your sleep, just barely hearing him. It took Zarkon a few moments to realize that you were sleeping on his chest. It wasn't very comfortable due to his armor, but you didn't care.

"I'll just carry you to bed." Zarkon said softly as he carefully picked you up.

You were so asleep that you didn't feel him get up and walk to your shared bedroom. Zarkon decided to just let you sleep in your clothes. After he got undressed, turned the lights off and got in bed you cuddled up to him as you slept.


~ Alfor ~

One evening you and Alfor got to go relax in the Juniberry flower fields. The sunset was the most beautiful one you ever saw in your entire life. As it started getting darker you ended up falling asleep.

"Are you getting tired?" Alfor softly asked you.

"A little." You mumbled, laying on his chest.

Alfor smiled as he gently ran his fingers through your hair. He smiled, knowing that you were going to fall asleep on him. He didn't mind it though. He figured that he would just carry you back to the castle when it was time.


~ Blaytz ~

While you and Blaytz were cuddling on the bed one evening he was reading something on his holopad that Alfor sent. He was so busy that he didn't realize that you were falling asleep. You yawned a little as you laid on his chest and fell asleep. After a while he finished and put his holopad away.

"I suppose we should get ready for bed. Y/n? Are you already asleep?" Blaytz asked, looking down at you.

You smiled in your sleep, just barely hearing his voice. Blaytz smiled as he kissed your forehead. He had to admit that it was cute that you fell asleep on him. He reached over to his nightstand and turned his lamp off, thankful that it was the only light in the room that was on. He pulled the blanket over both of you, wrapped his arms around you and slowly fell asleep.


~ Gyrgan ~

For some reason one morning when you woke up you were still a little tired. Throughout the entire day all you wanted to do was take a nap. While you and Gyrgan were taking a flight in his lion you began to doze off.

"Y/n, you look tired. Did you sleep good enough?" Gyrgan asked you.

"I did." You replied, trying your best not to yawn.

Gyrgan decided to head home so that you could take a nap. On the way back you ended up falling asleep on him, not caring that he was going to have to move you later. Gyrgan smiled as he glanced down at your sleeping form.


~ Trigel ~

After a fairly slow and boring day you and Trigel decided to watch a movie together. Since she made something that produced electricity you were able to bring your tv and DVD player. After choosing a movie you both cuddled on the bed and watched it.

"Are you getting tired?" Trigel asked you about halfway through the movie.

"No." You said, trying not to yawn.

Trigel already knew that you were tired, you just didn't want to admit it. A few moments later you dozed off. Trigel wrapped her arms around you, deciding to finish the movie since she wasn't tired yet.

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