When they get gender swapped

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~ Zarkon ~

One morning when Zarkon woke up he felt different. As he sat up he felt as if his chest was heavier. When he looked down he saw that he had grown breasts.

"What happened to me? Wait… Is that my voice?" Zarkon asked himself, hearing how feminine he sounded.

Something was clearly wrong here, so Zarkon put on her usual disguise, saw that her body was slimmer and hurried off to your place. Her new breasts bounced with each stride, making them hurt a little. She pounded on your door when she got to your place.

"Y/n, you have to help me!" Zarkon cried out as soon as you opened your front door.

"Who are you?" You asked cautiously.

"It's me, Zarkon!" Zarkon exclaimed.

You stood to the side and let her in. Zarkon threw off her cloak as soon as you closed the door. Your eyes widened when you saw that the once male Galra was now female.

"How did this happen?" You asked her curiously.

"I don't know! All I know is that this morning I woke up with these things on my chest. I probably have a pussy too!" Zarkon said dramatically.

"It's going to be okay. Just calm down. I'm sure that this is only temporary." You told her.

"I- I suppose…" Zarkon said, calming down a little.

You got an idea and led Zarkon to your room. Since he was now a she you decided that this was the perfect opportunity to do some girly stuff with her.


~ Alfor ~

As Alfor woke up he realized that his hair was a lot longer than he remembered. He was fully awake when he sat up and looked at his chest. He touched it and realized that he had breasts. Then, he looked in his pajama pants to see if a certain something was still there.

"Quiznack, that better come back." Alfor said when she didn't see her certain something.

She brushed her hair out of the way as she went to get dressed, noticing her now slim body. Once she was ready she disguised herself as a human and left Red. When she got to your place she gently knocked on your front door.

"Oh, hey Alfor. Come in." You said as you stepped to the side.

"Y/n, I have a problem." Alfor said as she pulled her hoodie off.

Your eyes widened as you closed your front door. You couldn't believe that Alfor was a girl now. You were a little jealous of her long flowy hair.

"What happened? Why are you a woman?" You asked her curiously.

"I have no idea. All I know is that I woke up like this." Alfor told you.

"I see. You look very beautiful." You said, smiling softly.

"Can we maybe do some of those things that you told me female best friends do when hanging out?" Alfor asked, her accent making you weak in the knees.

"Sure. But we should have breakfast first." You said happily as you both walked to your kitchen where the two of you made breakfast together.


~ Blaytz ~

As soon as Blaytz woke up he knew something was different. When he looked down he saw two perfectly large, round breasts. Not only that, but his whole body was slimmer.

"Well, this is interesting." Blaytz said to himself, realizing how feminine she sounded.

After a few moments she got up out of bed and got dressed. Her vest barely covered her breasts. They were a bit heavy, but she didn't mind. She put on her disguise and went to your place. As soon as she knocked and you opened your front door you let her in.

"Y/n, this might shock you. But I'm a girl now." Blaytz said as she took her disguise off.

"I- How? When?" You asked her in shock.

"I don't know." Blaytz told you.

You couldn't help but let your eyes wander. You blushed when you saw her perfect looking breasts. You couldn't help but wonder if everything was different.

"In case you were wondering, my species are hermaphrodites. The only difference is males have flat chests and their voices are more masculine." Blaytz told you, as if she read your mind.

"Oh…" You said awkwardly.

"So, can we do girly stuff today?" Blaytz asked you with excitement.

"Sure. But first we should eat breakfast." You told her.

Blaytz smiled as she followed you to your kitchen. She couldn't wait to do all kinds of girly stuff with you after the two of you made and ate breakfast together.


~ Gyrgan ~

Gyrgan yawned loudly and stretched as he sat up in his bed. For some reason he felt different. As soon as he looked down he knew why. He realized that he had a pair of breasts.

"By Willow!" Gyrgan screeched when she looked in her pants and saw that something was very, very different.

She got up and got dressed, seeing that her body was a little slimmer. She put her disguise on and went to your place. When you heard a knock on your front door you opened it. You let Gyrgan in, not noticing her change.

"Hey Y/n." Gyrgan said slightly awkwardly as she removed her disguise.

"Gyrgan? What happened to you?" You asked her in pure shock.

"I have no idea. All I know is that I'm a woman now." Gyrgan told you.

"I- wow… You're beautiful, by the way." You told her.

"Thanks." Gyrgan said, blushing a little.

You smiled as you led her to your kitchen. The two of you made and ate breakfast together. As you both ate, you discussed what you both would do together.


~ Trigel ~

When Trigel woke up one morning she could have sworn that she felt different somehow. She didn't know why until she took her pajamas off.

"What the-?" Trigel asked herself, noticing that her voice was deep and masculine.

He reached behind himself and felt that his hair was much shorter. He got dressed and tried to figure out what happened. He didn't want you to see him, but when Green bent down and opened her mouth it was too late.

"Trigel? Are you here?" You asked as you walked into the cargo hold.

"Y-Y/n!" Trigel said in shock.

"Trigel? What happened to you? Why are you a guy?" You asked, not sure what to think.

"I don't know why. I just woke up like this." Trigel said seriously.

"So, do you want breakfast? I brought some." You said as you showed him the container that you brought.

Trigel smiled as he sat on his bed. You sat down and opened the container. You both started eating the break you brought together, enjoying each other's company. Trigel couldn't wait to be female again.

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