You show them your home

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~ Zarkon ~

About a month after Zarkon landed on Earth and you met him you decided to finally show him where you lived. So far he hadn't done anything bad, so you decided that it would be safe. You made sure that no one was around before you brought him to your house/apartment.

"Well, it certainly is… Cozy in here." Zarkon said as he knelt down a little so that he could fit through your front door.

"Thanks. I'm sorry that the ceilings and doorways aren't high enough." You said awkwardly as you closed the front door.

"No, it's fine." Zarkon reassured you.

"Okay." You said as you led him into your living room.

Zarkon followed you into your living room. He looked around at all the furniture and pictures. He wasn't sure what to think at first, but he had to admit that it was homey.

"What is that?" Zarkon asked you curiously as he pointed to the tv.

"That's a tv. It's for watching movies and stuff." You told him.

"And who are these people?" Zarkon asked you as he looked at a family portrait.

"That's my family. See, there I am." You said as you pointed to yourself in the picture.

"Interesting. And what does this do?" Zarkon asked as he walked over to the coffee table and carefully picked up the remote.

"That's called a remote. It's used for turning the tv on and off, as well as other things." You explained.

"Very interesting. And what are these?" Zarkon asked you as he looked at all the DVDs you had.

"Those are movies. Want to watch one?" You asked him.

"Sure." Zarkon said as you picked out an old Disney movie.

You turned the tv and DVD player on before you put the movie on. Once the movie was in, the two of you sat on the couch. You even taught him how to use the remote when it was needed.


~ Alfor ~

A couple of weeks after you met Alfor you decided to show him where you lived. Since he was able to change his appearance a little to look more like a human he could go in public. The only thing you had to worry about was the markings on his face. Once you were sure that it was safe you snuck him into your house/apartment.

"So, what do you think?" You asked as you led him into your living room.

"It's actually quite nice in here. I had no idea that you had a miniature library in your home." Alfor said as he walked over to the bookcase.

"Yeah, I actually like to read a lot." You said humbly.

"Who is this child in the picture?" Alfor asked you as he turned to a picture of you when you were little.

"Oh, that was me." You said awkwardly.

"You were an adorable child. And is this the 'tv' you told me about?" Alfor asked you as he walked over to the tv.

"Yeah, it is." You told him.

"If it's not too much trouble, may I see the rest of your lovely home?" Alfor asked you curiously.

"Sure. Let's go to the kitchen first." You said, leading him to the kitchen.

Alfor followed you, curious to see what human homes looked like. He thought your way of living and most of the stuff you used everyday was very interesting. After you have him a tour of your house/apartment the two of you watched Enchanted.


~ Blaytz ~

Some time after you met Blaytz he showed you his lion and pictures of his home. You decided that it was about time you showed him where you lived. So one day when it was safe enough you brought him to your home. He had to slouch a little in order to fit through your front door, but he was able to stand up straight once he was inside your house/apartment.

"Sorry about the mess, I just recently went shopping." You said awkwardly as you led him into your living room.

"It's fine. What is some of this?" Blaytz asked you as he looked in some of the grocery bags.

"Mostly food." You told him.

"And what are these?" Blaytz asked you curiously as he held up a package/box of pads/tampons.

"U-um… Those are pads/tampons." You said awkwardly, a blush covering your face.

"What are they used for?" Blaytz asked you as he put the pads/tampons back where he found them.

"I- I'll tell you another time." You said awkwardly as your blush got darker.

Blaytz smiled slightly, thinking that you were cute when you were a blushing mess. He wondered why you were so shy about the pads/tampons, but decided not to say anything about it.

"So uh, want a tour?" You asked him, wanting things to be a little less awkward.

"Sure." Blaytz said, smiling down at you.

"Alright, right this way." You said as you started walking down the hallway. Blaytz smiled as he followed you. With every room you showed him he asked you many questions about what some of the stuff in your house was used for.


~ Gyrgan ~

A week or so after you met Gyrgan you wanted to show him your place. One day when no one was around you led him to your place. It was hard for him to fit inside your house/apartment, but he made it work.

"I'm sorry that the ceiling isn't high enough." You said awkwardly as you led him into your kitchen.

"It's fine. So this is your kitchen? How do you prepare food?" Gyrgan asked you as he followed you and looked around.

"It depends on the type of food. Most of it gets put in the oven or on the stove." You said as you showed him your oven.

"And what is this?" Gyrgan asked as he pointed to your fridge.

"That's a refrigerator. It's for keeping some kinds of food and drinks cold." You said as you went to open your fridge.

"Interesting. And what is this?" Gyrgan asked as he looked at your toaster.

"That's a toaster." You told him.

"You have so many interesting kitchen gadgets. Can you show me how some of them work?" Gyrgan asked you curiously.

"Sure." You said as you went around the kitchen and grabbed different kinds of food.

Gyrgan watched in curiosity as you got some bread out and plugged the toaster in. You taught him how to use some of the things in your kitchen before you showed him the rest of your house/apartment.


~ Trigel ~

"I had no idea that humans could keep plants alive indoors." Trigel said as she looked at the houseplant that you had.

"Yep, we sure can. There are actually all kinds of houseplants. This one was just my favorite." You said with a smile.

"Fascinating. And what is this device?" Trigel asked as she looked at your IPad.

"That's an IPad. It's kind of like your holopad." You told her.

"Interesting." Trigel said as she looked at it.

"Do you want to see the other rooms?" You asked her.

"Sure." Trigel said, a smile appearing on her face.

You smiled as you led her to some of the other rooms. Trigel was interested in how some of the other devices around your house were used and what they were used for. Afterwards, you both watched a movie together in your living room.

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