When you find their weakness

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~ Zarkon ~

Zarkon was relieved when you finally returned to your normal self. You didn't remember anything about it and he didn't want you to. Life returned back to normal and he was at your place again. While you were in the bathroom he found a bowl of strawberries. He decided to try one.

He picked up a strawberry and looked at it. He remembered seeing some of the turtles in the videos you showed him eating strawberries. So he decided to just eat the whole thing.

"Hm, not bad." Zarkon said to himself as he picked up another strawberry.

He continued eating the strawberries, unable to stop. He frowned when he saw that he ate them all. Meanwhile, you had just come back from the bathroom. You walked over to him and noticed that all the strawberries were gone.

"Uh, Zarkon, where are the strawberries?" You asked him curiously.

"I kind of ate them all…" Zarkon said awkwardly.

"You ate them all? And the leafy part too?!" You asked him in shock.

"I couldn't help it." Zarkon said innocently, blushing a little.

"It's fine." You sighed, unable to get upset at him for eating all the strawberries.


~ Alfor ~

Recently, Alfor had discovered mini cupcakes. He loved them so much that you had to teach him how to make them. Since you had a proper oven he would come over to your place and bake them with you.

"Thank you again for letting me use your oven." Alfor said as he frosted a mini cupcake.

"You're welcome. I'm just glad that we can spend time together." You said as you put sprinkles on the mini cupcakes that had frosting.

Alfor frosted as many cupcakes as he could and you put sprinkles on them. Once they were all finished you both took a few and peeled the papers off of them. You couldn't help but smile as he stuffed a few in his mouth and ate them.

"These are so delicious. And they're tiny!" Alfor said happily as he licked his lips.

"Yes, I know." You said as you popped a mini cupcake in your mouth.

Alfor smiled as he unwrapped more cupcakes and ate them. You had a few more before you went to do the dishes. Alfor got up and wanted to help you.


~ Blaytz ~

Recently, Blaytz had been acting a little strange. He wouldn't let you in his lion and you were starting to worry. So one day you went to the little cove and over to Blue. Blue lowered her head when she sensed you and opened her mouth. You didn't see Blaytz anywhere, so you went in.

You weren't sure what you were going to find, so you were cautious. You went into the cargo hold and heard meowing. You searched around for a little bit before you found a mother cat and her kittens.

"Cute, aren't they?" Blaytz asked as he walked up behind you.

"Blaytz!" You said in shock, quickly turning around.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I just couldn't help but let her have her young in here. They're just so cute." Blaytz told you.

"It's okay. I'm glad that you took them in. And they are super cute." You said as you turned around and looked at the kittens.

Blaytz smiled, relieved that you wouldn't make fun of him for his weakness. He had a thing for cute animals and couldn't help it.


~ Gyrgan ~

Gyrgan smiled as he picked you up bridal style. You squeaked as you felt him pick you up. Lately, he had a thing with picking you up.

"Hello Y/n." Gyrgan said happily as he carefully hugged you against his chest.

"Hey." You said awkwardly.

Gyrgan went over to your couch and sat down. He loved how tiny you were compared to you. You knew that you needed to tell him about your crush on him, but you weren't sure how.


~ Trigel ~

Trigel kept glancing at you as you both washed and dried some dishes. You had become her weakness and she couldn't stop looking at you. Each time you looked at her she would hurry up and look at something else. Little did she know that you knew what was going on.

"Is so in my hair?" You asked her after you put a plate away.

"No, there isn't." Trigel replied as she handed you a bowl.

You took the bowl and started to dry it with the dish towel you were holding. You noticed her gazing at you again as she washed another bowl.

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