Their secret fear

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~ Zarkon ~

While you and Zarkon were out walking at the edge of town you were telling him about some of your favorite places. When you heard a tiny meow behind you, you and Zarkon turned around. You weren't expecting to see a kitten at the edge of town.

"Quiznack, not another one!" Zarkon yelped, hiding behind you.

"Um, Zarkon… That's a kitten." You told him.

"That thing is evil!" Zarkon said, his voice cracking a bit.

"It's a kitten, they can't do any harm. There must be a colony of cats nearby." You said, looking down at the kitten.

"You mean there's MORE?!" Zarkon asked in fear.

"Yes, there's probably more. We should leave it be so that it can go back to it's family." You said, smiling at him.

"Well then, we should get going." Zarkon said, skittishly walking back in the direction you two came.

You rolled your eyes as you followed him. You didn't think that Zarkon, a giant space turtle, would be afraid of a cute little kitten. You decided not to make the situation worse. Meanwhile, the kitten went back to it's family.


~ Alfor ~

When Alfor came to your place for a movie night you noticed that it looked like it was going to rain. As the evening progressed you could hear the rumble of thunder. Alfor looked nervous when he heard the rumbling outside.

"What is that sound?" Alfor asked you, trying not to seem nervous.

"It's just thunder." You told him, not thinking much of it.

Alfor looked at the window, not sure what to think of the loud sounds coming from outside. He flinched when the lightning flashed. When a big boom sounded all of the electricity went out. Alfor let out a high pitched scream as he clung onto you.

"Uh, are you okay?" You asked him curiously.

"I- of course I am…" Alfor said nervously.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just thunder and lightning. We're safe in here." You said softly, soothingly running your fingers through his hair.

Alfor felt relaxed as you ran your fingers through his hair. After a while the storm ended and the electricity came back on. He felt better once you both started watching the movie from where it left off.


~ Blaytz ~

While you and Blaytz were relaxing on the beach while no one else was around neither of you noticed the crab that was walking by. It was just minding its own business, but Blaytz' legs just so happened to be in the way. So when Blaytz felt something crawling across his legs he screamed like a little girl, stood up and started dancing around.

"Blaytz, what's wrong?" You asked him as you quickly sat up.

"That!" Blaytz shrieked as he pointed to the crab that was now scurrying away.

"A crab?" You asked him, one of your eyebrows arched.

"The way they move is creepy." Blaytz shuddered as he sat down again.

"I- Okay yeah, it is." You said, agreeing with him as you watched the crab leave.


~ Gyrgan ~

It was Saturday and today Gyrgan was at your place, helping you with some housework. At the moment, he was helping you do a few things in your kitchen. Little did you know that you had a little visitor.

"By Willow! What is that?!" Gyrgan yelped when a tiny black bug came down from the ceiling.

"It's a spider." You said, seeing what had him freaked out.

"Nothing short have that many legs!" Gyrgan said, shuddering a little.

"I know. Trust me, I know." You said as you grabbed a jar.

Gyrgan watched as you opened the jar. When the spider was closer to you, you caught it. Once the spider was in the jar, you closed it.

"Better?" You asked as you put the jar down somewhere safe.

"Yes. Thank you." Gyrgan said as he stared at the spider, hoping that it couldn't get out of the jar.


~ Trigel ~

Today you and Trigel were checking out a nearby cave. There were a few bats hanging around, but you didn't mind. However, you noticed that each time one of the bats moved or made sounds Trigel would flinch. You decided to hold one of her hands, hoping that it would make her feel less nervous.

"Hey, are you alright?" You asked her after a while.

"Yes, I am. It's just that cave dwelling creatures make me nervous." Trigel told you, keeping her voice down so that she would disturb the bats.

"They're called bats. And don't worry, they won't bother us if we don't bother them." You said reassuringly.

"Thank you, Y/n." Trigel said softly, smiling at you.

You smiled back, the light of your flashlight making it easy for the two of you to see each other. After a while you both turned around and went back the way you came.

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