When they get turned into a baby/toddler

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~ Zarkon ~

One day while Zarkon was coming back to his lion after taking a walk he found a strange bottle with pink liquid that said 'drink me'. Naturally, he was completely oblivious and decided to drink a little bit of it. After he put the bottle back to where he found it he began shrinking. Not only that, but he got younger. Once he was only about three months old he stopped deaging.

He began to cry when he realized that he was all alone. Meanwhile, you were headed to his lion since he hadn't visited you for a few days. As soon as you saw his armor and heard crying you ran over. You looked in his armor and saw a baby version of your friend. Then it hit you; he was somehow turned into a baby.

"Hey there, don't cry." You said softly as you picked him up.

Zarkon looked at you and immediately stopped crying. He snuggled up against you and began purring a little. You didn't know what to do, so you took him home. You didn't have any baby supplies, so after you took him home and put him down for a nap you quickly went to the store and bought a few things. You hoped that he would like formula.

When you got home you saw that he was awake. Zarkon looked at you and cooed happily. You quickly put a diaper on him and a onesie so that he would at least be decent. You opened up the playpen, put some toys in and put him in so that you could make some formula. You washed the bottle and warmed the formula up as fast as you could.

"Alright, lunch time." You said as you picked him up and sat on your couch.

Zarkon looked up at you, then at the bottle as you offered it to him. He latched onto the nipple and started drinking. He appeared to already have little teeth growing. You smiled as he made little noises as he drank from the bottle.

"You're so cute, Zar Zar." You cooed, giving him a cute nickname.

Zarkon looked up at you, not sure of what to think of the nickname. As he finished drinking you put him over your shoulder and gently patted his back. He let out a surprisingly loud burp for someone so young. You smiled as you cradled him in your arms and watched him fall asleep.


~ Alfor ~

When Alfor hadn't been around for a few days you were worried that he went back to Altea. You decided to go see if his lion was still in the same place. When you got there, you were happy to see that it was. As you walked closer you saw his clothes on the ground you walked around a little more, expecting to see him naked somewhere. In a way, you were right; but he was a toddler instead of an adult.

"Alfor?" You cautiously asked him.

"Y/n!" Alfor said happily as he ran over and hugged your legs.

"What happened to you? Why are you so young?" You asked him in shock.

"Y/n!" Alfor said again, not understanding your question.

You went over to his shirt and picked it up. You put it on him, but it looked more like a dress now. You picked him up and decided to take him home with you so that he wouldn't get hurt. On the way home, he kept talking in Altean. Once you were inside your house/apartment you got him one of your shirts to wear.

"Hungwy." Alfor said as his stomach grumbled.

"Alright, come on." You said as you walked into your kitchen.

Alfor followed you, hoping for something tasty. You decided to feed him grapes since it was the easiest thing to give him. You washed some off and put them in a bowl.

"Tank you, these awe yummy!" Alfor said after he tried a grape.

"You're welcome." You said, smiling at him.

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