First date

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~ Zarkon ~

Zarkon had caught a deer while hunting. He prepared it and cooked the meat over a fire. Tonight you were coming over for dinner, so he cleaned his armor. When you arrived you saw him sitting on a log near a fire.

"Hey Zarkon, what's all this?" You asked as you sat next to him.

"Dinner… From what I understand you humans sometimes have dinner together on the first 'date'." Zarkon said as he handed you a stick that had some meat on it.

"It smells so good." You said as you took the stick.

Zarkon smiled as he took another stick and began eating. You were surprised at how good the meat was desperate that there were no spices. It tasted somewhere similar to beef, but gamey. You smiled, happy that you were finally having your first date with him.


~ Alfor ~

Today you and Alfor were going out on your first date together. Alfor shifted his ears so that they were round instead of pointy. You found some makeup that matched his skin tone so that he could cover his markings up. You also got him some clothes so that he would blend in better. You decided to take him to your favorite restaurant.

"So this is a restaurant. It's quite nice in here." Alfor said after the waiter gave you both your food.

"Yeah, I guess so." You said, taking a sip from your drink.

Alfor took a look at his food, not sure what to think of it. As he took a bite of some of the food, he liked it. You ordered two of your favorite dish so that he could try it.

"This tastes very good. Thank you,
Y/n." Alfor said, smiling at you.

"No thanks are needed. And I'm glad that you like it." You said in between bites.

Alfor hummed in satisfaction as he continued to eat. This was the best first date that either of you ever had.


~ Blaytz ~

Today you and Blaytz were finally having your first date. Since he couldn't leave the cove you decided to bring a picnic. You brought the picnic to the cove and found the perfect spot.

"Hey Y/n." Blaytz said as he helped you set everything up.

"Hey." You said as you both sat down on the blanket.

You took the plates out of the basket and started taking the food out too. You put some of the food on each of the plates and gave him one. Blaytz thanked you before he started eating. Since it was sunset it created a romantic mood.

"It's so beautiful." You said in awe.

"It is. You know what else is beautiful?" Blaytz asked you.

"No, what?" You asked him curiously.

"You." Blaytz told you, a smile on his face.

You blushed at what he said and felt like butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. Blaytz moved over so that he was sitting right next to you. He blushed a little as he wrapped an arm around you.


~ Gyrgan ~

Today you and Gyrgan went on your first date. First, he was going to take you for a flight in the yellow lion to a surprise location. Then you both were going to have a moonlit dinner that you both prepared.

"So, where are we going again?" You asked him as you both flew over the ocean.

"You'll see soon enough." Gyrgan said suggestively.

You huffed playfully, unable to wait any longer. Soon enough you saw a bunch of sand and the pyramids. You couldn't believe that he brought you to Egypt. He landed in front of the pyramids and you both took dinner up to the head of the yellow lion. It was night time, so no one else was around.

"It's so beautiful out here." You said in awe as the two of you sat down and looked up at the full moon.

"It is. But you're more beautiful than anything. Especially in the moonlight." Gyrgan said softly.

You blushed, thankful that it was night time. You both are and talked as the two of you enjoyed your first date together.


~ Trigel ~

Since it was raining you decided to invite Trigel over to watch a movie with you. You popped popcorn and dimmed the lights in your living room. As soon as she knocked on your front door you let her in. You were thankful that you gave her an umbrella. After Trigel came in she closed the umbrella, put it down, took her shoes off and followed you after you closed your front door.

"So, what movie are we watching?" Trigel asked you curiously.

"You can pick." You told her.

Trigel smiled as she looked at all of the movies that you had. She ended up picking an old Disney film. She put it in and sat next to you on your couch.

"This popcorn is good. Thank you for inviting me here." Trigel said quietly as she ate a handful of popcorn.

"I'm glad that you could come." You said quietly.

As the movie began playing you ate a handful of popcorn. About halfway through the movie you wrapped an arm around her, making you both blush.

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