When you get your period

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~ Zarkon ~

You groaned and clutched your midsection as you laid on your couch. You were in pain since you were on your period. When you heard a knock at your front door you groaned louder and got up. You waddled to the door and answered it.

"Zarkon, what are you doing here?" You asked as you let him in.

After Zarkon walked in you closed the door and led him to your living room. Zarkon smelled something different about you. You quietly grunted as you both sat on your couch.

"I wanted to visit you. Why do you smell like blood?" Zarkon asked you, smelling blood coming from you.

Your eyes widened when he said something about smelling blood. You didn't think that he had such a good sense of smell. Zarkon was getting a little worried because you went silent.

"U-um… I'm on my period." You said awkwardly, blushing a little.

"A what?" Zarkon asked you cautiously.

"My period. It's something we human females go through for a few days every month. We uh… We bleed from 'down there'." You said as you gestured to your lower regions.

"You bleed from WHERE?! How are you not dead yet?!" Zarkon asked you in pure shock.

"I've asked myself that many times. Now let me hug you." You said as you wrapped your arms around him as best as you could.

Zarkon was even more shocked when you hugged him. He hesitantly hugged you back, not sure what to think. He couldn't believe that you could bleed from such an intimate area without dying. You, however, were happy to have someone to hug.


~ Alfor ~

Right as you were getting out of your bathroom after putting a pad/tampon on/in and taking some aspirin you heard a knock at your front door. You groaned as you went to answer it. When you opened your door you saw Alfor in disguise.

"Alfor? What are you doing here?" You asked him as you stepped aside.

"I wanted to visit you." Alfor said as he walked in.

You winced in pain as you closed the door after letting him in. Alfor's face moved back to his normal look now that he was inside your house/apartment. You led him to your living room and you both sat on your couch.

"Are you feeling alright, Y/n?" Alfor asked you curiously.

"W-well… I'm on my period." You replied, blushing a little.

"A what?" Alfor asked you, cocking his head to the side a little.

"A period." You told him.

"What is a period?" Alfor asked, not quite understanding.

You sighed before you told him what a period was and why you were having it. Alfor was shocked that you could go through that without perishing. He hugged you, hoping to help you feel better. You hugged him back, blushing a little more as you did.


~ Blaytz ~

When you got your period all you wanted was to rest. You quickly got a pad/tampon on/in and took some aspirin. Right as you were getting your favorite snack you heard a knock on your front door. You put your snack on the coffee table before you went to answer the door. When you opened the door you saw Blaytz.

"Come in, quickly before someone sees you." You said, standing aside.

After Blaytz walked in you closed the door. Blaytz looked at you curiously when he smelled blood coming from you. He didn't see any blood, not seeing any. You led him to your living room and you both sat on your couch. You got yourself bundled up in your fluffy blanket after you sat down.

"Y/n, are you hurt?" Blaytz asked you with concern.

"No… Why?" You asked him nervously.

"I can smell blood." Blaytz told you.

"Oh… That's my period." You said awkwardly.

"What is a 'period'?" Blaytz asked you in confusion.

"It's where we female humans bleed for three to seven days every month." You told him, trying not to stutter.

"Wait, you bleed for that many days every month? Where do you bleed from?" Blaytz asked you, not quite understanding.

"U-um… D-down there." You stuttered, guestering to your lower regions.

Blaytz' eyes widened when he put two and two together. He blushed, not sure what to think. Your blush darkened when you saw the expression on his face. Blaytz hugged you, not sure what else to do.


~ Gyrgan ~

You whimpered in pain as you woke up one morning. When you pressed your thighs together you felt a familiar wetness. You groaned as you got up and stripped your bed and took the sheet off. Right as you were taking your sheet to your washer you heard a knock on your front door. You sighed dramatically as you went to answer it.

"Hello Y/n, how are- By Willow! What happened?!" Gyrgan asked in shock as he walked through your front door and saw your bloody sheet.

"I have my period." You said as you closed your front door and continued on your way to your washer.

Gyrgan followed you as you went to put your sheet in your washer. Once you put it in and started the washer you went to your bathroom. Gyrgan went to your living room and sat down. You quickly replaced your panties, put a pad/tampon on/in and took some aspirin so that you wouldn't be in too much pain. When you got to the living room you sat on your couch and curled up.

"So, what exactly is a 'period'?" Gyrgan asked you cautiously.

"It's the time of the month where I have to bleed for a few days." You said bluntly.

"Ohhh, females of my species go through something like that. But it only lasts for one to two days, and they only a little pain." Gyrgan told you.

"Wait, really?" You asked him curiously.

"Yes. Is there anything I can do for you?" Gyrgan softly asked you.

"Can I have a hug?" You asked him, feeling sad all of a sudden.

"Of course." Gyrgan said as he carefully picked you up and held you against his chest.

You blushed a little as you hugged him back, feeling his muscles. Gyrgan smiled when he saw that you were blushing. He felt bad that you were in pain, but he still thought you were cute.


~ Trigel ~

You cried as you laid on your couch and listened to your favorite sad song. You had your period and you were having a hard evening. When you heard a knock on your front door you paused your song and slowly got up. You waddled over and opened the door, only to reveal Trigel.

"C-come in." You said as you stood aside.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Trigel asked as she walked through your front door.

"I have my period." You said, wiping your eyes as you closed your door.

Trigel frowned slightly, not knowing what a period was. You both sat on the couch and you recocooned yourself in your fluffiest blanket. You grabbed a tissue and blew your nose.

"What exactly is a period?" Trigel asked you with curiosity.

"Well, it's where we human females bleed for three to seven days. It's a naturally cleansing process." You told her.

"I see. Is there anything you need?" Trigel softly asked you.

"I need someone to cuddle with." You said, sniffling a little.

Trigel blushed a little as she moved in a way so that you both were cuddling. You blushed a little, liking the new position. After a while you both fell asleep.

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