First kiss

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~ Zarkon ~

After a few weeks of dating Zarkon you wondered if you were ever going to get to kiss him. So you made a plan that was almost foolproof. You waited until he was over at your place to do it.

"Zarkon, can you bend down to about my height?" You asked him innocently while you both were in your kitchen.

"Sure." Zarkon said, kneeling down so that he was about your height.

"Now can you close your eyes?" You asked him curiously.

Zarkon closed his eyes, not knowing what you had planned. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. You gently pressed your lips against the area where his lips would be. Since he was basically a giant space turtle he didn't exactly have lips. Zarkon's eyes opened when he felt what you were doing.

"What… What are you doing?" Zarkon asked you curiously, breaking the kiss.

"I was kissing you. It's what we humans do when showing our lover affection." You told him, opening your eyes.

"I see. Galra nuzzle each other." Zarkon said, nuzzling you and purring a little.

You blushed at the sudden display of affection. You nuzzled him back and kissed him when you could. You felt butterflies in your stomach every time you kissed him.


~ Alfor ~

After a few dates Alfor wanted to kiss you. One evening after bringing you home after a flight in the red lion he decided to make his move.

"I had a great time tonight." You said softly, blushing a little.

"I did too. I have something else for you. But you need to close your eyes first." Alfor told you.

You closed your eyes, your blush getting darker. Alfor leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against yours. His markings glowed as he kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you made the kiss last a little longer. You were a blushing mess when the two of you had to pull away for air.

"I- I- Wow…" You said, a little breathless.

"I know. I enjoyed it too. I'll see you tomorrow." Alfor said as he left.

"Yeah, I'll see you too." You said, unlocking your front door and walking into your house/apartment.


~ Blaytz ~

Today was finally the day Blaytz was going to kiss you. You both had officially been dating for two weeks now and he couldn't wait any longer. So one night while the two of you were watching a romantic movie together he decided to make his move. He waited until the most romantic part and when it came he kissed you. You felt butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and you blushed heavily as you kissed him back.

"Blaytz." You whispered after breaking the kiss for air.

"Yeah?" Blaytz asked you, blushing as he made eye contact with you.

You wrapped your arms around his neck as you brought him in for another kiss. Blaytz placed his hands on your hips, deepening the kiss. The two of you ended up making out for the rest of the movie.


~ Gyrgan ~

After the third date you were ready to have your first kiss with Gyrgan. The problem was that he was far taller than you were. So one evening while you both were relaxing together you kept waiting for the right moment. What you weren't expecting was for him to kiss you first. You had been staring at his lips all day, so Gyrgan decided to kiss you.

He carefully held onto you and you caressed his face with your hands. The kiss made you dizzy from how amazing it felt. Gyrgan felt light headed as he kissed you. Eventually, you both had to pull away for air.

"That was amazing." You whispered.

"Indeed it was." Gyrgan said as he looked at you with half lidded eyes.

You closed your eyes as you kissed him. Gyrgan closed his eyes as he returned the kiss. You both continued kissing until he had to go back to his lion.


~ Trigel ~

You really wanted to kiss Trigel and she really wanted to kiss you. The problem was that neither of you were sure when to do it. So one evening while you both were watching the sunset together on top of Green's head you decided that enough was enough.

"Trigel?" You asked her slightly nervously.

"Yes?" Trigel asked as she turned to face you.

You blushed heavily as you wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her. Trigel was a little shocked, but melted into the kiss. You both kissed each other until you needed air.

"I'm sorry if that was too soon." You said, apologizing to her.

"Don't be sorry. We both wanted that." Trigel said softly.

You didn't know what to say, so you kissed her again. Trigel wrapped her arms around you and deepened the kiss. You quietly moaned as she kissed you back.

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