An awkward moment

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~ Zarkon ~

Recently you had heard a really good joke. Naturally, you wanted to tell the joke to Zarkon. So when you got to his lion you walked right over to him.

"Hey Zarkon, do you want to hear a joke?" You asked him curiously.

"Um… Sure?" Zarkon asked/said, not sure what else to say.

"Can February March?" You asked him as a big smile appeared on your face.

"I- I don't know… Can it?" Zarkon asked you.

"No, but April May!" You said, laughing a little.

Zarkon looked at you, not sure what to think. He didn't exactly understand the joke and he thought you were going crazy. When you saw that he wasn't laughing you stopped laughing.

"Get it?" You asked him, your smile disappearing.

"I'm afraid not." Zarkon said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Eh, we'll work on it." You said, shrugging.


~ Alfor ~

Today you invited Alfor to share a pizza with you so that he could try it. As expected, he liked it. You were happy that he liked the pizza that you brought.

"Mmm, this is delicious. Thank you, Y/n." Alfor said as he ate a piece of pizza.

"You're welcome. I'm glad that you like it." You said as you grabbed a slice of pizza.

Alfor smiled, enjoying the pizza. You took a bite of the pizza, but unfortunately the cheese wasn't on too good. When the cheese came off and landed on your chin you blushed. You pulled the cheese off of your chin and put it in your mouth, hoping that Alfor didn't see.

"I think you have something on your chin." Alfor told you, seeing the sauce on your chin.

"O-oh, sorry." You said awkwardly asked you wiped the sauce off of your chin, blushing as you did.


~ Blaytz ~

While you were walking to the blue lion you could have sworn that you heard music playing. As you got closer the music seemed to get louder. When you got to the blue lion you realized that the music was coming from inside. You recognized it as some popular pop music.

"Blaytz, are you up there?" You yelled loudly.

As soon as you yelled the music stopped. The blue lion's head lowered and the mouth opened. You crossed your arms as Blaytz walked out. He wasn't aware that anyone outside of his lion could hear the music.

"Uh, hey Y/n." Blaytz said, an awkward smile on his face.

"So, pop music, huh?" You asked him as a smirk made its way onto your face.

"What? It was catchy." Blaytz exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know." You said, smirking at him.

Blaytz blushed, noticing your smirk. Your smirk only got wider when you saw his blush. You decided to let him listen to some of your favorite songs so that you could introduce him to a wider variety of Earth music.


~ Gyrgan ~

Today while you were visiting Gyrgan you noticed that he was acting funny. He seemed twitchy and every so often he would reach behind him and try to itch. Gyrgan was having a hard time reaching a certain spot on his back to itch it, but he didn't want to say anything. After a while you decided to ask him about it.

"Are you okay?" You asked him curiously.

"Of course I am. Why do you ask?" Gyrgan asked you.

"You seem a bit twitchy." You told him.

"I- I might have an itch that I can't reach." Gyrgan said awkwardly, blushing a little.

"Oh… Do you… Do you want me to help you?" You asked him, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck.

"If you don't mind." Gyrgan said as he turned around and sat down.

You blushed as you found the right spot and began scratching his itch. Gyrgan sighed in happiness as you scratched his itch. You both were a blushing mess after you were done. Gyrgan stood back up, turned around and thanked you.


~ Trigel ~

Today you were out in the forest with Trigel. She was talking about something, and you were listening. But you were also thinking about purple cows for some reason.

"So, where do they come from?" Trigel asked you, gaining your attention.

"Where do what come from?" You asked her awkwardly.

"Moths." Trigel told you.

"Uh, the same place butterflies do." You said, answering her as best as you could.

"Okay…" Trigel said, accepting your answer.

You blushed, feeling super awkward all of a sudden. Trigel smiled slightly, knowing that you had your mind on things. She changed the subject so that things would be a little less awkward.

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