When you get jealous

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~ Zarkon ~

Recently, Zarkon had been spending more time with the black lion. You knew that you shouldn't be jealous, but for some reason you were. Black was just a ship, but you were still jealous. So right now you found yourself walking straight into the cockpit where your boyfriend was.

"Hello Y/n, is something the matter?" Zarkon asked you, sitting in the pilot's seat.

"There is. Why are you spending so much time in Black?" You asked him sternly.

"I need to strengthen my bond with the black lion." Zarkon told you.

You quietly huffed, climbing onto his lap. Zarkon was a little startled when you got on his lap and straddled him. He could tell that you were mad about something.

"You. Me. Bed. Tonight." You said, making eye contact with him.

"If that's what you want, kitten." Zarkon growled/purred, now knowing what was wrong.

You got off of his lap and left the black lion. If the two of you were going to do 'it' you would need time to prepare. Meanwhile, Zarkon was a little flustered after what you just did.


~ Alfor ~

Recently Coran announced that he was going to marry Melenor. Alfor was currently congratulating them for the exciting news. However, you weren't sure what to think. You knew that Alfor was supposed to marry Melenor, so you were a little jealous.

"Alfor." You said after a few moments.

"Yes?" Alfor asked, looking down at you.

You didn't say anything, but you cupped his cheeks in your hands, stood on your tiptoes and kissed him. You wanted to make sure that Melenor knew that Alfor belonged to you. Melenor was never one to steal anyone's boyfriend, but she was a little uncomfortable with your sudden action. Coran noticed her discomfort, so he decided that they should both leave for a while.


~ Blaytz ~

While you and Blaytz were visiting Zarkon on Diabazaal you couldn't help but notice that one of the servants kept flirting with him. Blaytz was naturally flirtatious with everyone, including the blue lion sometimes. Right now, the Galran servant was once again flirting with your boyfriend. So you walked over and decided to do something.

"Hey hot stuff, you want to go have some fun in the blue lion." You asked, hugging one of Blaytz' arms and giving him a needy look.

Blaytz' eyes widened when you basically asked him to fuck you in his lion. He smirked, knowing that you were jealous. Thankfully, he would never actually cheat on you with anyone. He picked you up bridal style and carried you out to his lion. The Galran servant blushed a little after what you asked Blaytz to do with you; so he went to go flirt with some other guy.


~ Gyrgan ~

Lately Gyrgan had been spending a lot of time with a woman who kind of looked like him who came to visit. You didn't know who she was, but Gyrgan seemed very fond of her. They got along great as if they grew up with each other. Right now, the three of you were having lunch together. Gyrgan and the strange woman were talking and laughing.

"So, who are you again?" You asked the woman, trying not to sound jealous.

"I'm Gyga, Gyrgan's younger sister." Gyga said, finally introducing herself.

"Ohhh, that makes more sense." You said, finally realizing why Gyrgan was spending so much time with her.

"Of course. What were you thinking?" Gyrgan asked you curiously, not knowing that you were thinking something different.

"U-um…" You said awkwardly before turning your attention back to your food.

Gyrgan smiled fondly at you before returning his attention to the conversation he was having with his younger sister about the time they almost got caught sneaking sweets out of the kitchen before dinner.


~ Trigel ~

When Alfor and Trigel started working on a project together she rarely spent any time with you. You would fall asleep in an empty bed and you would wake up in an empty bed. You wondered if Trigel was sleeping with Alfor. So today you were going to find out what was going on. You went straight to the room they were working on the project and opened the door.

"Hey lovey, come see what I've been helping Alfor make." Trigel said, turning to face you.

You frowned as you walked over. You were confused when you stood in front of the table. You didn't know why they were making a lion mobile for babies.

"What's this for?" You asked your girlfriend.

"Melenor is pregnant, so Alfor asked me if I could help him make this. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." Trigel said, giving you a big hug.

You smiled, hugging her back. You were happy that she wasn't cheating on you. Trigel pressed her lips against yours for a quick kiss.

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