When you get turned into a baby/toddler

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~ Zarkon ~

A few days after Zarkon turned back to his normal self you decided to go visit him. When you came across the bottle of pink liquid that said 'drink me' you threw all logic out the window and decided to drink it. Within a few minutes you were turned into a baby. Your clothes were way too big, so you started to cry. Right as Zarkon was coming back from the river he saw your clothes and heard a baby crying.

Zarkon felt his fatherly instincts kick in and he rushed over to you. He gently picked you up and held you. He carefully looked in your clothes and saw you. You stopped crying as soon as you saw him.

"Y/n?" Zarkon asked, realizing that you looked familiar.

You cooed happily and reached for him. Zarkon couldn't help but smile. Black bent down and opened her mouth, sensing her Paladin. Once Zarkon was in the cargo hold he sat on his bed and held you. He was clueless of how to take care of you. You started whimpering again, making him panic.

"Shhh, you're alright, little Y/n. I'm here to protect you." Zarkon said soothingly.

You hiccuped a little as you looked up at him. Zarkon's eyes widened when he felt something wet and realized what you just did. He looked at you and saw the relieved look on your face.

"You have to be kidding me." Zarkon said to himself as he got up and went to find something to use as a diaper.

You didn't really understand what was going on. After Zarkon made a diaper for you he put your regular clothes on the floor so that he could wash them later. After a while you fell asleep.

"Rest well, Y/n." Zarkon whispered, admitting that you were cute as a baby.

You made little humming sounds as you slept. Zarkon laid down with you on his bed, resting you on his chest. He couldn't wait for you to return back to normal.


~ Alfor ~

Alfor had no idea of how you were turned into a toddler, but when he found you he decided to take you to his lion. Your shirt was more like a dress now, but at least you were wearing something. After the incident of him turning into a toddler and you taking care of him, he was ready to return the favor.

"Alright Y/n, what would you like to do?" Alfor asked you as he placed you on his bed in the cargo hold.

"I dunno." You said innocently.

"Do you want to go for a flight?" Alfor asked you.

"No." You told him.

"Play a game?" Alfor asked, trying again.

"No." You told him again.

"Eat something?" Alfor asked, trying something else.

"Okie." You said, liking the idea of having a snack.

Alfor went to get some random snacks from a crate. It was something he brought from Altea, so he was hoping that you would like them.

"Here." Alfor said as he handed you something that looked like a cookie.

You looked at the strange food curiously as you took it from him. You took a little nibble before you started eating it. Alfor was happy that you liked it.

"Yummy! Tank you!" You said as you happily ate.

"You're welcome. I'm glad that you like it." Alfor said as he smiled at you.


~ Blaytz ~

"Y/n, get back here!" Blaytz called as he chased you.

You giggled as you tried to run across the sand. You had been turned into a toddler by the same device that temporarily turned him into a baby. You hadn't meant to touch, but unfortunately you did. So now, he was chasing you around.

"Ah ha, I got you." Blaytz said triumphantly as he finally caught you.

"Bwatzy!" You said happily, hugging him when he picked you up.

"You shouldn't be running around like that. You could get hurt and that would make me sad." Blaytz told you.

"Sowwy." You said sadly.

"It's alright. Now, what do you want to do?" Blaytz asked you.

"Float!" You said enthusiastically.

"Alright, we'll go float." Blaytz said as he put you down and walked to the water.

You waited patiently as he got into the water and got to a semi deep part. Blaytz laid on his back and began to float. You ran over to him and climbed on his chest. You held onto his vest so that you wouldn't fall off.

"Is this better?" Blaytz asked you.

"Ya!" You said happily, smiling as he floated around in the water.

Blaytz smiled, happy that he could make you happy. He loved taking care of kids, but he wasn't sure if he was ever going to have any of his own. You were cute as a toddler, but he couldn't wait for you to return to your normal self.


~ Gyrgan ~

About a month after Gyrgan returned back to his normal self you were somehow turned into a toddler. So now, he was taking care of you. He loved kids, but he wasn't ready to have his own yet.

"Alright Y/n, what would you like to do?" Gyrgan asked you as he sat you on his bed in the yellow lion.

"Colow!" You said happily.

Gyrgan went to get the coloring supplies that you gave him. He gave you some crayons and a sheet of paper.

"Tank you." You said slightly shyly as you opened the box of crayons.

Gyrgan sat down and watched you get busy. He stayed quiet as you focused. You smiled as you started coloring on the paper. It took you a while, but you finally got done. You had drawn a picture of you and him.

"Hewe." You said as you held up your newly colored picture.

"It's beautiful." Gyrgan said, not quite sure what to think of it.

"Dis you and dis me." You said as you pointed to the two people in your picture.

"Ah, I see now. It's very nice." Gyrgan said, finally understanding.

You carefully put your drawing down and climbed onto his lap. You hugged him as best as you could. Gyrgan smiled as he gently hugged you back. He couldn't wait for you to be your normal self again, even though you were cute as a toddler.


~ Trigel ~

Trigel smiled as she cradled you in her arms. You had somehow been turned into a baby and now she had to take care of you. She had already made a diaper for you. She also just fed and burped you. So now, she was trying to get you to nap.

You babbled as you reached your arms up towards her. You didn't quite understand what was going on, but you wanted to be closer to her.

"Come on Y/n, you should take a nap." Trigel said soothingly.

You only smiled up at her, enjoying the attention. You cooed and babbled more as you tried talking to her. Trigel smiled, wishing that she could understand what you were saying.

"I know. You don't seem tired." Trigel said as she held you.

You just looked up at her. Trigel decided to take you for a little walk since you didn't want to nap. As she walked out of her lion and into the forest she couldn't help but wonder when you would be back to normal.

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