The morning after

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~ Zarkon ~

When Zarkon woke up the next morning he smiled when he saw you peacefully sleeping on his chest. The two of you were still naked from the night before, not that it mattered. The sunlight was peeking through the blinds/curtains.

"Y/n, It's time to wake up." Zarkon whispered, kissing your forehead.

You stirred in your sleep, whimpering a little when you heard him. You yawned as your E/c eyes fluttered open. Zarkon gently ran his fingers through your messy hair.

"Good morning." You said groggily.

"Good morning." Zarkon said in his deep morning voice.

You smiled as you kissed him, wincing a little when you felt a sore feeling in your lower regions. Zarkon returned the kiss, making a happy purring sound as he did. After a few moments he got up and went to get his robe back. You tried getting out of bed, but you fell down as soon as you tried to stand up.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Zarkon asked as he rushed over to you.

"I'm fine, but it looks like I'm not going to be able to walk today." You said, blushing as he picked you up.

"Then I'll just have to carry you around today." Zarkon said, a huge smirk on his face.

You looked away as your blush got a little darker. Zarkon grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around you. He carried you out of your bedroom and went to your kitchen so that he could make breakfast. He sat you in a chair and got everything he needed to make a delicious breakfast.


~ Alfor ~

When the sun peeked through the curtains/blinds you opened your eyes. You yawned and stretched, feeling that the other side of the bed was empty. You sat up and didn't see Alfor anywhere. However, you heard your bathtub running. A few moments later you heard it turn off.

"Good morning Y/n, I've prepared a nice warm bubble bath for us to relax in and get clean and I have a tray with fresh fruit." Alfor said when he walked into your bedroom and saw that you were awake, still completely nude.

"Good morning." You said, getting out of bed.

Alfor blushed a little when he saw that you were naked to. Your legs and lower regions were a little sore after the previous night, so you had a slight limp. You followed Alfor to your bathroom and saw the bubble bath and tray of fresh fruit. Alfor got in first and you got in next, leaning your back against his chest.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are in the morning?" Alfor asked, wrapping his arms around you.

"Just in the morning?" You asked him, a slight smirk on your face.

"Well, no. You are all the time. But you're more radiant this morning." Alfor said softly.

You smiled as you reached for a piece of fruit and popped it into your mouth. You blushed a little when you felt his perfect abs pressed against your back. His goatee tickled your cheek when he kissed you. Alfor had his hair down, making him look more handsome than normal.


~ Blaytz ~

When the sun came up the next morning and peeked through your curtains/blinds Blaytz woke up. He looked at your sleeping form and smiled. He knew that you needed to wake up, but you looked so beautiful when you were asleep.

"Wakey wakey Y/n." Blaytz whispered, kissing the tip of your nose.

You scrunched your face up a little and quietly whimpered. You were still tired after the previous night. Your bed was just so nice and cozy.

"Wake up, Y/n." Blaytz said, lightly kissing you.

You whimpered again, your E/c eyes cracking open a little. You yawned as you stretched, waking up. Blaytz smiled as you looked at him.

"Good morning." You said, your voice a little groggy.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Blaytz asked you.

"A little sore." You replied, smiling at him.

"Good, that means you enjoyed my dick." Blaytz said, a huge smirk appearing on his face.

"Yeah, I did." You said, rolling your eyes playfully.

"So, wanna go get breakfast?" Blaytz asked you.

"Yes, I'm starving." You said, your stomach grumbling.

Blaytz smiled as he got out of bed and grabbed his robe. You got out of bed and he gave you his robe. You didn't mind seeing him walking around naked. After a few moments the two of you went to your kitchen to make a delicious breakfast together.


~ Gyrgan ~

As soon as Gyrgan woke up he went to go make some breakfast for the two of you to eat together. He decided to make some of your favorite breakfast as a nice surprise. When you smelled your favorite breakfast you woke up and saw that Gyrgan wasn't in bed with you. Once breakfast was done Gyrgan put everything on a tray and brought it back to your bedroom.

"Oh, you're awake. I made breakfast." Gyrgan said as he got back into bed and put the tray down.

"F/b, thank you. It looks and smells amazing." You said happily, picking up a fork/spoon and picking up a piece of your favorite breakfast.

Gyrgan smiled as he did the same. You hummed in satisfaction as soon as you tasted the food. It was one of the best breakfasts you had ever tasted.

"It's so good!" You said happily as you ate.

"I'm glad you like it." Gyrgan said, smiling down at you.

You smiled up at him before you began eating again. You were sore after the previous night, so breakfast in bed was a nice surprise. Gyrgan was happy that you liked the breakfast he made. The two of you ate and talked until breakfast was done.


~ Trigel ~

When the sun peeked through your curtains/blinds you woke up. You quietly yawned and stretched a little. You looked at Trigel and smiled. She looked beautiful when she was asleep, but unfortunately you had to wake her up. Trigel heard you yawn and stretch, so she woke up.

"Good morning." Trigel mumbled as she slowly woke up.

"Good morning." You said, kissing her.

Trigel smiled as you kissed her. She returned the kiss, gently tangling her fingers in your hair. You smiled when you pulled away for air.

"I suppose we should go make breakfast." You said, sitting up a little.

"I suppose that we should." Trigel said, sitting up a little too.

You got out of bed and found something to put on. Trigel got up next and put her green robe on. Someday, the two of you would have matching green robes and green lion slippers. For now though, the two of you went to go make and eat breakfast together.

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