Wedding (Trigel)

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While you got ready you looked in the mirror and made sure that you looked perfect. It was your wedding day and you wanted to look good for your soon to be wife. When you were ready you grabbed your bouquet and left the bathroom. As you made your way outside you couldn't help but feel excitement. After all, it wasn't everyday that you got to marry the person you loved most.

When you finally got outside you briefly stopped and saw everyone who came. You saw that every seat was taken up. You looked in the other direction and saw where the reception was going to be held. You started walking to the entrance of the aisle you saw Trigel waiting for you.

"You look beautiful." Trigel said when she saw you.

"So do you." You said, blushing a little.

"Are you ready?" Trigel asked you.

"I have been for a long time." You replied.

Trigel smiled as she held one of your hands with one of hers. When some slow music began playing you both walked down the aisle. Once you both were at the altar the priest started reading from his book. Before you knew it, it was time for you and Trigel to recite your wedding vows.

"I never thought that I would get to be standing here at the altar with you, the love of my life. You're the most amazing and perfect person in the world, I don't know what I would do without you. I promise to always to be there with you through the good in life as well as the bad. I will love you for the rest of my life and even beyond." Trigel said softly, trying her best not to cry in happiness.

"Trigel, I never thought anyone could truly care for me until you came along. I will always respect you as a person, lover and my equal. Before you asked me, I was already yours and I am devoted in every way possible. I marry you with absolutely no hesitation or doubt and my commitment to you will last forever." You said, a huge smile on your face.

The priest read out of his book again. After a few moments you and Trigel exchanged wedding rings. As soon as the two of you were pronounced wives Trigel passionately kissed you. You both threw your bouquets and watched as Trigel's younger sister caught one of the bouquets and Blaytz caught the other. Everyone went to where the reception was being held.

You and Trigel fed each other a piece of cake, careful not to make a mess before giving everyone else some came. After some time a slow song began playing, so you and Trigel went to the dance floor and started dancing. A few other couples went to the dance floor where they too began dancing. As you and Trigel danced you felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness.


~ Your wedding dress and bouquet ~

~ Your wedding dress and bouquet ~

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~ Her wedding dress and bouquet ~ 

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~ Her wedding dress and bouquet ~ 

~ Her wedding dress and bouquet ~ 

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~ The rest of the wedding ~

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~ The rest of the wedding ~

~ The rest of the wedding ~

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