When they get sick

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~ Zarkon ~

One morning when Zarkon woke up he felt sick to his stomach. The previous day he found some kind of small, slimy animal near his lion and decided to eat it. He didn't realize that it was going to make him sick. Black lowered her head and opened her mouth when he needed to go outside. When you got to the black lion you saw him getting sick nearby.

"Zarkon, how did you get sick?" You asked, waiting for him to get done before approaching him.

"I- I ate some kind of slimy Earth creature. I believe that you call them 'frogs'." Zarkon said, his throat still burning.

"You shouldn't eat things like that. You need to rest." You said seriously.

"I know." Zarkon wheezed.

You helped him into Black and onto his bed in the cargo hold. You quickly went back home to get a few things before rushing back. You decided to help him until he got better. Zarkon was just happy to have a pretty girl taking care of him.


~ Alfor ~

Alfor coughed as he went to get a drink from the river. He wasn't sure what he had and how he got it. So after he got a drink he was going to go to the healing pod that he had in Red. Right as he was walking into Red's mouth you appeared.

"Alfor, what's wrong?" You asked as you quickly followed him.

"Y/n, I'm sick. I don't know what I have. I'm going to my healing pod." Alfor told you.

"What are your symptoms?" You asked him cautiously.

"My throat is sore, my nose is stuffy and I'm hot." Alfor told you.

"It sounds like you have the cold. It's a minor sickness. Are you sure that you don't want me to take care of you?" You asked him.

Alfor turned around and looked at you. He was started to feel sleepy. He took a moment to think about it before he made a decision.

"I would like that. Thank you." Alfor said, his voice a bit scratchy as he spoke.

You watched as he changed his appearance so that he looked like a human. Alfor put the hoodie you brought him on and followed you to your home. Red sat up and closed her mouth after the two of you left. You let him stay in the guest room and you made him soup.


~ Blaytz ~

When Blaytz woke up one morning he felt extremely hot and his head hurt. He put on a disguise and went to your house/apartment. When you heard a knock coming from your front door you opened it.

"Blaytz, what's wrong?" You asked him after opening your front door and seeing that he wasn't looking so good.

"I think that I'm sick." Blaytz said, holding his head.

"Come in and go sit down." You said seriously.

Blaytz did as you said and went to sit on your couch. You got your thermometer and brought it to him. You pressed the button and had him put it under his tongue. After a few moments the thermometer beeped and you took it out of his mouth.

"I don't know what your species' normal temperature is, but one hundred degrees is a fever. I think that I should nurse you back to health." You told him.

"Thank you." Blaytz said as he fell asleep.

You went to go wash the thermometer and get a blanket. You covered him with the blanket and hoped that his fever would break soon.


~ Gyrgan ~

One evening while Gyrgan was at your place you noticed that he kept wiping his nose and that he sounded a little stuffy. You wondered if he was sick. When he nearly sneezed your suspicions were confirmed.

"Gyrgan, are you alright?" You asked him.

"I guess. I feel a little stuffy and I keep sneezing. My eyes have also been watery." Gyrgan told you.

"It sounds like you have allergies or something. Here, have some tissues. I'll heat some soup up for you." You told him as you handed him a box of tissues before going to your kitchen.

Gyrgan took the box of tissues and watched you leave. He took one and blew his nose. He hoped that he wouldn't be sick for very long.


~ Trigel ~

Trigel coughed almost violently as she laid on her bed in Green. She wasn't sure how she got sick. When Green sensed your presence she lowered her head and opened your mouth. She knew that you meant a lot to her Paladin who was currently sick.

"Trigel, are you here?" You asked as you walked into the cockpit.

Trigel heard you and tried to say something, but she could only cough. You heard her cough and went to the cargo hold. You rushed over to her bed when you saw her.

"You're sick." You stated.

Trigel cracked her eyes open and nodded. She was too weak to say anything. You couldn't believe that she got sick.

"I'm going to get a few things." You told her.

Trigel nodded her head again before you left. You got a few things from your home before you hurried back to the green lion. You put a warm blanket over her and fed her warm soup. You hoped that you could help her feel better soon.

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