You meet them

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~ Zarkon ~

As you walked towards the strange ship you could have sworn that someone was watching you. With each step forward you got more and more nervous. That's when you saw it, a giant man that looked like he was a reptile with clothes.

"Who are you? Step forward." Zarkon said boldly.

"My name is Y/n. Please don't hurt me." You said nervously as you walked towards him until you were standing in front of him.

"I will not harm you. I am Zarkon, Emperor of the Galra." Zarkon said, introducing himself.

"It's uh, nice to meet you." You said awkwardly.

"It's nice to meet you too." Zarkon said politely.

"Where are you from?" You asked him curiously.

"Diabazaal, a far away planet. I am here to explore your planet." Zarkon told you.

"You're not going to invade Earth, are you?" You asked him, not sure if you could trust him.

"No, that is not my intention." Zarkon told you.

You looked up at him suspiciously, not sure if you could trust him. However, you were willing to give him a chance. Zarkon wanted you to trust him.


~ Alfor ~

Your eyes widened when you saw a dark skinned man with white hair. You had to admit that he was kind of handsome. You noticed that he had pointed ears, dark blue eyes and blue markings on his face. For some reason you walked over to him until you were standing in front of him.

"Who are you?" Alfor asked you.

"I-I'm Y/n. Who are you?" You asked him curiously.

"My name is Alfor, King of Altea. It's very nice to meet you, Y/n." Alfor said politely as he took your right hand and kissed the top of it.

You blushed lightly, feeling butterflies in your stomach. You had never met such a polite and handsome man before. Alfor started telling you about Altea and why he was on Earth. You both talked to each other until you had to go home. You both agreed to meet up again the next day.


~ Blaytz ~

As it started getting dark you decided to go home. As you were packing your stuff you could have sworn that you heard something in the water. You knew that it wasn't your friend since they went home after surfing and making a sand castle with you. You packed your stuff faster when you felt someone watching you. Your eyes widened when you looked at the water and someone come out of the water.

Unlike normal people the stranger was completely under the water as they walked towards the shore. From what you could see it was a blue man who had fins and antennae on his head. As he came out of the water he flashed you a big smile, showing you his sharp teeth. When Blaytz saw you he smiled, hoping to appear friendly.

"Hello there, I'm Blaytz. Who might you be?" Blaytz asked you as he walked over to where you were sitting.

"I-I'm Y/n." You said nervously as you stood up.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/n." Blaytz said politely.

"Where are you from and what are you doing here?" You asked him curiously. 

"I am from Nalquod. And I just so happened to be passing by Earth when I decided to explore. Although I must say that your ocean is in bad condition." Blaytz said, briefly looking at the ocean. 

You weren't quite sure what to think of Blaytz, so you asked him if the two of you could meet up again tomorrow. Naturally, Blaytz agreed. He had to admit that you were an interesting person and wanted to get to know you better.


~ Gyrgan ~

"W-who are you?" You asked the man nervously.

"Oh, hello there. I am Gyrgan. Who are you?" Gyrgan asked you when he turned to face you.

"I'm Y/n. Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" You asked as you walked closer to him.

"I am from Rygnirath. I have heard about your food here on Earth and I wanted to try some to see if it was as good as the rumors say it is." Gyrgan said, kneeling down a little so that he was closer to your height.

"Oh, well then welcome to Earth. I'm actually going to be baking with some of these apples." You told him.

"I would like that." Gyrgan said happily.

You smiled up at him as you told him that you would be back the next day. You had to admit that he was nice, for an alien. You couldn't wait to meet up with him again. 


~ Trigel ~

You looked up at the green mechanical lion, not knowing what to think of it. You didn't know why it was on Earth and where it came from, but you had to admit that it looked pretty powerful.

"Woah." You said in awe as you stood up.

As you were looking up at the green lion Trigel saw you. She knew that you were a human, so she knew that you weren't a threat. She just wasn't expecting anyone to find her lion.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Trigel asked as she walked towards you.

"Oh, is this your lion?" You asked in shock as you turned around.

"Yes, it is. My name is Trigel. I come from the Dalterion Belt. Who are you?" Trigel asked you politely.

"I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you." You said, feeling butterflies in your stomach.

Trigel smiled as she began telling you why she was on Earth. The two of you ended up talking until evening. You both agreed to meet up the next day. After you found your friend you both went home.

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