They find out that you're ticklish

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~ Zarkon ~

One day while you and Zarkon were hanging out he went to get your attention. You were back to normal and couldn't have been happier. However, he accidentally brushed against your tickle spot. You tried not to laugh, but you failed miserably. Zarkon noticed your reaction and touched that spot again.

"Stop doing that!" You snapped, struggling not to laugh.

"Sorry… Are you alright?" Zarkon asked you slightly awkwardly.

"Y-yeah… I'm fine." You said quickly.

"Okay then…" Zarkon said, not quite understanding.

You hoped that he would never touch your tickle spot again. Meanwhile, Zarkon took note of your reaction and decided to touch it at a later date.


~ Alfor ~

Alfor had just recently learned about tickling, but you didn't know that he knew. Now that you were your normal self again you were happy. One afternoon while you both were hanging out at your place he started randomly looking for your tickle spot. You started laughing hysterically when he found it.

"A-Alfor! Hahahahaha!" You laughed loudly as he tickled you.

Alfor smiled as he tickled you. He loved how cute and quirky your laugh was. After a while, he stopped tickling you. You panted as you settled down.

"D-do not do that again!" You panted, your sides hurting a little from laughing so hard.

"Sure." Alfor said, smirking at you.


~ Blaytz ~

One evening while you and Blaytz were watching a movie together he tried to wrap an arm around you. Now that you were a girl again everything was back to normal. When he touched your tickle spot you giggled. Blaytz smiled as he attacked your tickle spot.

"Ahahahahaha! St-stap!" You laughed loudly.

Blaytz smiled and laughed a little as he tickled you. To him, your laugh was adorably quirky. After a few moments, he stopped. You panted heavily as you caught your breath, your sides hurting a little.

"Your laugh is so adorable." Blaytz said, a huge smile on his face.

"No it's not!" You said, pouting a little.

"Yes, it is." Blaytz argued.

You turned your attention back to the movie, blushing a little. Blaytz noticed your blush and smiled. He wrapped an arm around you and sat closer to you.


~ Gyrgan ~

Everything was going great after you turned back into a girl. However, one evening Gyrgan accidentally found your tickle spot. Being the innocent cinnamon roll he is, he didn't quite know why you giggled after he touched a certain spot on you. So here you were, laughing your ads off as he tickled you. You were laughing hysterically as his fingers lightly ran over your tickle spot.

"G-Gyrga-Ahahahahaha!" You laughed, gasping for air.

Gyrgan stopped tickling you, worried that he was accidentally hurting you. Your sides hurt a little as you panted.

"Are you alright, Y/n?" Gyrgan asked you with concern.

"Y-yeah, just ticklish." You said as you caught your breath.

"Okay…" Gyrgan said awkwardly.

You knew that he wouldn't use your tickle spot against you. Gyrgan smiled as he hugged you. You hugged him back, loving how nice he was.


~ Trigel ~

A few days after you turned back into your normal self Trigel came to visit you. However, while you both were doing something she accidentally touched your tickle spot. Trigel wasn't sure what was going on, so she lightly ran her fingers over the spot again. You giggled uncontrollably as she tickled you.

"Are you alright, Y/n?" Trigel asked you as she kept tickling you.

"I-I'm ticklish!" You laughed.

"Oh, I see." Trigel said as she stopped.

You panted, thankful that your sides didn't hurt too bad after the tickle attack. You blushed when you saw Trigel smiling at you.

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