When they have a bad day

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~ Zarkon ~

While Zarkon was trying to relax outside there were a bunch of birds flying around. Normally, birds didn't bother him. But today was different. While a bird was flying overhead it pooped and Zarkon got a little surprise. So as you were walking to the black lion you heard him yelling about something in Galran.

"Zarkon, what's wrong?" You asked him as you walked over to him.

"That quiznacking bird pooped on my head!" Zarkon growled.

"Oof, that's bad." You said, looking up at him.

"If I ever get my claws on that bird…" Zarkon growled lowly.

You felt bad for Zarkon, so you handed him a tissue that you conveniently had in your pocket. Zarkon took the tissue and wiped the mess off of the top of his head. From then on, he decided to stay in his lion whenever birds were around.


~ Alfor ~

One day when Alfor exited his lion he noticed something different. He turned around and looked at his lion, seeing the various colors of paint. He clenched his fists in pure anger, wondering who would do such a thing. When you got to his lion you saw that part of it was covered in graffiti.

"What happened?" You asked him as you walked over.

"I have no idea, but whoever it was is going to pay." Alfor said angrily.

"I'll help you clean it off." You told him.

"You would? Thank you." Alfor said, feeling a little better.

You went back to your house/apartment and got a few things. For the rest of the day the two of you cleaned the graffiti off of his lion.


~ Blaytz ~

One fateful day Blaytz lost his Bayard. It happened while he was out swimming near his lion. He was just happy that no people around. However, he needed to find it before someone else found it.

"Hey Blaytz, what are you looking for?" You asked when you walked into the little cove, seeing him looking around in the water for something.

"I'm looking for my Bayard. I lost it this morning while I was swimming." Blaytz told you as he walked out of the water and over to you.

"Is this it?" You asked, finding a strange device lodged in the sand.

"I- How?" Blaytz asked you in shock.

"I guess that I'm good at finding things." You said, smiling at him.

Blaytz couldn't believe that you actually found his Bayard. You gave it back to him, happy that you found it.


~ Gyrgan ~

Tonight Gyrgan was trying to cook some of the food he brought from his planet over an open fire. Everything was going great until his food caught fire. He yelped as he dropped it into the fire, getting startled when the stick he was using caught on fire.

"What's going on?" You asked as you walked over to where Gyrgan was sitting.

"Y/n! When did you get here?" Gyrgan asked in shock as he turned around.

"I came to see if you wanted to come to my place for dinner tonight." You said, sitting next to him.

"I would love to. Besides, I don't think that my current dinner is edible." Gyrgan huffed.

"I see. It's a good thing I'm here. Now come on, let's put this fire out." You said as you stood up.

Gyrgan smiled as he stood up. He was happy that he was friends with you. The two of you put the fire out before going to your place.


~ Trigel ~

Today while Trigel was out walking she got bitten by a tiny insect. She swatted the insect, but soon after she found a red bump where the insect bit. After a while the bump started to get itchy, so she went to see you.

"Hey Trigel, what's up?" You asked her when you opened your front door after you heard a knock.

"I've been bitten by a tiny black insect with wings. It left a red bump and it itches." Trigel said as she walked into your home.

"So, you got your first mosquito bite?" You asked her curiously.

"I- I guess." Trigel said, letting you see the red bump on her left arm.

"Yep, that's a mosquito bite. Don't itch it or it'll pop. Come on, I have something to put on that." You said, leading her to your bathroom.

Trigel tried her best not to itch her mosquito bite as she followed you. You turned your bathroom light on and grabbed a cotton ball and the bottle of calamine. Trigel held out her arm and you put some calamine on her mosquito bite.

"Is that better?" You asked her as you put everything away.

"Yes. Thank you." Trigel said, happy that you could help her.

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