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~ Zarkon ~

One afternoon while you and Zarkon were out walking near the palace you both kept glancing at each other. Zarkon held one of your hands with one of his much larger hands. You smirked as you looked up at him, secretly wanting a kiss.

"You want something." Zarkon stated as you both stopped walking.

"What makes you say that?" You asked him innocently.

"Because you've been looking at me like you want something. Now, what do you want?" Zarkon asked, kneeling down in front of you.

Instead of saying something you wrapped your arms around his neck, leaned forward and kissed him. Zarkon smirked as he placed his hands on your butt. You quietly moaned when he lightly squeezed your butt. Pressed yourself against him as you deepened the kiss. When Sendak turned the corner and saw what was going on he turned back around and went the way he came.


~ Alfor ~

It was a sunny afternoon while you and Alfor were out while holding hands. Whenever someone would walk by they would say hi. However, soon enough Honerva the witch came walking by. Alfor stopped walking and so did you. He bent down a little and passionately kissed you.

You were a little surprised at how passionately he was kissing you, but you liked it. Disgusted by the public display of affection Honerva turned around and left. Why she was still on Altea was a mystery to everyone. Eventually, you both broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"Did you like that?" Alfor asked you.

"I did. Now kiss me again." You said softly.

Alfor smirked as he pressed his lips against yours once again. After a few moments of kissing you pulled away from the kiss so that the two of you could continue your walk. Alfor laced his fingers with yours as he walked next to you.


~ Blaytz ~

You and Blaytz had always been affectionate with each other. But lately Blaytz was being much more affectionate with you. While you both were waiting for the other Paladins to come for a meeting you and Blaytz were heavily making out in the conference room. Blaytz had you pinned to a wall while holding you up and you had your legs wrapped around his waist. You had your arms wrapped around his neck, holding onto him a little better.

You both moaned loudly as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You occasionally slipped your tongue into his mouth, rubbing it against his tongue. You were thankful that none of the servants would come in without knocking. However, neither of you heard the other Paladins come in. You were startled and pulled away from the kiss when you heard someone clear their throat.

"Before you both decide to take things further I suggest we get started on our meeting." Zarkon said awkwardly.

You unwrapped yourself from Blaytz and he carefully set you down. You left the room as Blaytz and the other Paladins sat down at the meeting table. You decided to go read something on Wattpad.


~ Gyrgan ~

While you and Gyrgan were on vacation on a planet in the Dalterion Belt he couldn't help but notice some of the locals eyeing you. He let you hold his hand, but it didn't seem to be doing any good. As the two of you walked through something similar to a park you both sat on a bench. You sat in his lap so that the bench wouldn't ruin your pants/skirt. When you saw another local looking at you, you reached up and kissed Gyrgan.

Gyrgan smirked as he kissed you back, lightly holding you so that you wouldn't fall. You moaned a little as you kissed him, letting everyone around know that you were taken. Eventually, you broke the kiss.

"I love you, boo bear." You said sweetly.

"I love you too, cupcake." Gyrgan said, kissing you again.


~ Trigel ~

Today you and Trigel were out spending the day at a huge Unilu swap shop area. To you, it looked exactly like a mall. The two of you got a few things in a few stores and got something to eat in the food court.

"I still think this is a mall." You said as you ate some kind of alien food.

"I'm assuming that this is what Earth malls look like." Trigel said as she looked up at you, taking a short break from eating.

"Yeah, basically. But malls on Earth are a little cleaner." You told her.

Trigel smiled as she leaned towards you. You leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. Trigel gave you a few quick kisses in return, making you blush.

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