When they turn you on

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Warning, there is suggestive content in this chapter!!!
~ Zarkon ~

One evening while you and Zarkon were cuddling together you noticed that he was being extra affectionate. He somehow ended up on top of you when you both started kissing. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Zarkon slipped a hand in between your legs and started lightly rubbing you.

"Z-Zarkon!" You gasped, breaking the kiss.

Zarkon began nuzzling you and lightly biting your neck. You whimpered as the needy feeling in your lower regions got worse. Then, at the worst possible time, your phone began ringing. You tried to ignore it, but after a while it got annoying.

"Who dares to interrupt our private time." Zarkon growled.

"It's my best friend… Scrap, I almost forgot that I promised to call them!" You said as you got out from under your boyfriend and went to your bedroom to call your friend back.


~ Alfor ~

After you got home after a long day at school/work you and Alfor were cuddling on the couch and kissing while you both waited for the dinner he was making to get done cooking. What started out as one kiss turned into multiple kisses. Soon enough the two of you were full on making out. Alfor couldn't help himself and began massaging your breasts. He lightly squeezed them and rubbed your nipples.

You moaned as he rubbed your nipples with his thumbs. You tangled your fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss. You could feel yourself becoming wet as he quietly moaned. Alfor slid his tongue inside of your mouth and rubbed his tongue against yours. Unfortunately, the timer rang right as things were getting good.

"Seriously?" You asked, breaking the kiss.

"I'm sorry my love, but dinner is ready." Alfor said as you both got up off of the couch.

You quietly groaned as you followed him, wishing that you had a little more kissing time with him. At least dinner was good.


~ Blaytz ~

One day while you and Blaytz were relaxing together in your living room he hugged you from behind and started kissing your neck. Blaytz was in a teasing mood and he had an evil plan. You stuttered out a moan each time he nibbled on part of your neck. Your eyes widened and you blushed heavily when you felt one of his hands slip down the front of your pants. You quietly moaned when you felt him rub your clit through your panties.

"B-Blaytz!" You moaned, feeling yourself getting wet.

"Yeah?" Blaytz asked, whispering in your right ear while smirking.

"F-faster!" You moaned, begging him to rub you faster.

Blaytz smirked as he lightly bit the right side of your neck, not breaking any skin. You whimpered when he rubbed you a little faster. You whined in disappointment when he stopped what he was doing and pulled his hand out of your pants.

"Well, I'm off to take a bath." Blaytz said as he began walking away.

"Hey, what about me?" You asked, turning around to face him.

"Maybe later." Blaytz said as he left.

You groaned as you went to your bedroom to take care of the 'problem' he caused. You made it your mission to get him back on a later date.


~ Gyrgan ~

One afternoon Gyrgan decided to work out in your living room. He took his shirt off so that he could move easier. Right as he was using some weights you stood in the doorway of your living room. The way he flexed his muscles made you practically drool. You couldn't find the motivation to move.

"Hey Y/n, see something you like?" Gyrgan asked when he saw you staring at him.

"O-oh u-um… S-sorry." You stuttered, blushing a little.

Gyrgan smirked as he flexed his muscles a little more. He loved it that he could turn you into a blushing and stuttering mess. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but continue to watch him work out.


~ Trigel ~

As time went on you and Trigel became closer in your relationship. One evening while the two of you were cuddling on your couch Trigel decided to try turning you on. She got on top of you and kissed you. You held onto her hips and kissed her back. She slid her tongue inside of your mouth and pressed her breasts against yours.

Trigel placed her hands on your butt and lightly squeezed, making you moan. You arched your back, enjoying the feeling of her body pressed against yours. Trigel slipped one of her legs in between yours and rubbed your most sensitive area. She slid her tongue into your mouth, exploring it. Right as things were getting more heated than they already were you heard a knock on your front door.

"Fuck!" You muttered, breaking the kiss.

"It's fine." Trigel sighed as she got off of you.

You huffed as you got up and went to see who it was. When you saw that it was someone who had the wrong address you were beyond pissed. Once you got back to your living room you and Trigel decided to watch a movie together.

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