When they try cooking

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~ Zarkon ~

When Zarkon came to visit you he wasn't expecting you to be sick. He hated seeing you miserable, so he decided to make some soup for you. While you were laying on your couch he went to your kitchen. His first thought was to look in your refrigerator for soup.

"This looks promising." Zarkon said to himself as he picked the spaghetti sauce, thinking that it was tomato soup.

The spaghetti sauce was cold and needed to be heated up. Zarkon opened the jar and poured it into a bowl. He then put it in the microwave and turned it on. When the microwave was done he saw that the spaghetti sauce bubbled up a little and made a mess. He grabbed the bowl and a spoon and brought it to you.

"I made you soup. How are you feeling, Y/n?" Zarkon asked you as he gave you a bowl of warm spaghetti sauce.

"I guess I'm okay. But this is spaghetti sauce." You told him, your throat hurting a little.

"Oh, sorry. I thought that it was tomato soup. I'll get you some of that 'top ramen' you gave me." Zarkon said as he took the bowl back and went into the kitchen.

You watched him as he took the bowl of spaghetti sauce back into the kitchen. Zarkon felt slightly embarrassed for heating up spaghetti sauce. Thankfully, he made the top ramen correctly.


~ Alfor ~

When you came out of the healing pod you were feeling a lot better. However, since it had been almost a week you were hungry. Alfor brought you back to your house/apartment and offered to cook something for you. He grabbed the loaf of bread, the toaster and the butter so that he could make you toast. He plugged the toaster in and opened the bread.

"I think this is enough time." Alfor said to himself as he adjusted the dial on the toaster to the 6, put the bread in and pulled the handle down.

He closed the bread and opened the butter as he patiently waited. When the bread popped up he noticed that it looked a little darker around the edges. He put both slices on a plate, grabbed the butter knife and spread the butter on the bread.

"I've made you toast, Y/n." Alfor said proudly as he brought the plate to you.

"Thank you." You said as he gave you the plate.

"You're welcome." Alfor said happily.

You picked up one of the pieces of toast and took a bite. The edges were a little crisp, but other than that it was good.


~ Blaytz ~

Recently, Blaytz had gotten to try his very first grilled cheese sandwich. He loved it so much that he wanted to learn how to make them. So one evening while he was at your place and you were checking something in the laundry room he decided to try. He got everything he needed, started the stove and put a pan on one of the burners.

"This should be easy." Blaytz said to himself as he put a piece of cheese in between two pieces of bread and put it on the pan.

The bread immediately started sizzling as soon as it hit the pan. However, it soon started sticking to the pan. When you smelled something strange you went to your kitchen. Right as you walked in the pan began to make smoke.

"Hey Y/n, I'm making you a grilled cheese sandwich." Blaytz said as more smoke came from the pan.

"You did put cooking spray on the pan, right?" You asked him.

"I- No, I didn't. I didn't know that I was supposed to. But I think that it's still edible." Blaytz said as he turned the stove off and looked at the slightly burned and slightly melted sandwich.

You walked over and looked at the odd grilled cheese sandwich. Blaytz got a plate and a spatula. He picked the sandwich up with the spatula and put it on the plate.

"Here you go." Blaytz said as he handed you the plate.

"Um… Thanks." You said, looking at the sandwich and hoping that it would still be good to eat.


~ Gyrgan ~

While Gyrgan was hanging out with you at your place you had to go somewhere for a little while. By now, you didn't mind him being alone at your place. While you were away Gyrgan decided to cook something for you. He decided to make macaroni and cheese. He got a pot of water ready on the stove and grabbed the noodles and the cheese sauce.

He put the noodles in the water and occasionally stirred them. He knew that you wouldn't be home until lunch time. Thankfully, he would be finished by then. He waited until the noodles were done cooking before he drained the water. Right as he was putting the noodles into a large bowl and stirring the cheese sauce in you came back home.

"I smell something good." You said as you walked into your kitchen.

"I made macaroni and cheese." Gyrgan said as he took the large bowl over to the table which he had already set.

"It looks so good." You said as you sat down.

Gyrgan smiled as he served you some of the macaroni he made. After he put some in his own bowl he sat down. You took a bite and smiled. It was some of the best macaroni and cheese that you ever tasted.


~ Trigel ~

You were having a very busy day, so Trigel offered to help you. While you were out doing something she stayed at your place and decided to make dinner for when you got back. She didn't know much about how humans cooked, but you told her enough about your appliances that she could figure it out. She ended up choosing pizza rolls. She could read a little bit of your language, so she read the instructions and got everything ready.

As the oven was warming up she put some of the pizza rolls on a cookie sheet. When the oven was ready she put oven mitts on, put the cookie sheet in the oven and set the timer. While she was waiting she quickly set the table. Right as the timer rang you came back home. You quickly took your shoes off when you smelled something good.

"What's cooking?" You asked as you walked into the kitchen.

"Pizza rolls." Trigel said as she put them on two separate plates.

You got the two of you some drinks as she took the pizza rolls to the table. Once you both sat down you took one of the pizza rolls and ate it. You were surprised and happy that she could cook.

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