When they do something cute

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~ Zarkon ~

When you got home you were very cold. The first thing you went to do was make some hot chocolate. However, as soon as you walked into your kitchen you saw that Zarkon already made two mugs of hot chocolate, he even put marshmallows/whipped cream in it.

"Y/n, you're back. I made some hot chocolate." Zarkon said, a huge smile on his face.

"Aww, thanks Zar Zar." You said as he gave you one of the mugs of hot chocolate.

"You're welcome, kitten." Zarkon said as you both sat at your table.

You couldn't help but think that Zarkon making hot chocolate was the cutest thing ever. You hummed in satisfaction as you took a sip from your mug.


~ Alfor ~

Today was a day off of everything for you, so naturally Alfor wanted to cuddle with you. So here you were, cuddling under a blanket with your loving boyfriend.

"I love you, princess." Alfor said as he kissed your forehead.

"I love you too." You said, blushing a little.

"I love you more. I could just stay here and cuddle with you all day." Alfor said, kissing your forehead again.

"That's nice, but I'm getting a little hungry. Let me just-" You said, trying to get up but failing.

"I'm not letting you go." Alfor mumbled, holding onto you a little tighter.

You huffed in frustration as you just laid on his chest. You had to admit that it was kind of cute how clingy he was being right now. Alfor smiled, happy that you were lying comfortably on his chest.


~ Blaytz ~

Recently you got shark onesie pajamas for Blaytz, so today he was trying them on. You couldn't wait to see how cute he looked in them.

"Well, what do you think?" Blaytz asked as he walked into your bedroom while wearing the onesie.

"Awww, you're so cute!" You said, seeing just how cute he looked in the pajamas.

"Why thank you, cutie. They're very comfortable." Blaytz said, sitting next to you on your bed.

You smiled as you hugged him, playing with one of the floppy fins. Blaytz smiled, happy that you got him the pajamas.


~ Gyrgan ~

Today one of your neighbors was dropping off their kitten for the weekend while they were out. They couldn't leave the kitten behind and you were the only option to watch the adorable little fluff ball. After you set up the litter box in your bathroom you walked into your living room where Gyrgan was laying on the floor while the kitten was walking around on his chest.

"Y/n, this kitten is adorable!" Gyrgan said as the kitten sat on his chest.

You couldn't form any words because you were dying of cuteness overload. Gyrgan was cute all on his own, but he was twice as cute while he had a kitten sitting on his chest. The kitten was so tiny, thankfully Gyrgan was a true gentle giant.


~ Trigel ~

Since it was a little chilly in your house/apartment Trigel was cold. She gathered all the warm fluffy blankets she could find and wrapped herself in them on the couch. When you got home and walked into your living room you saw Trigel all wrapped up in blankets. You couldn't help but think that it was cute.

"I take it you're cold." You said, smiling at her.

"I am." Trigel replied, blushing a little.

"Can I join you?" You asked her, feelings a bit chilly.

"Yes." Trigel said as she peeled back some of the blankets.

You got on the couch and sat right next to her. Trigel wrapped the blankets around you so that the two of you could stay warm and cuddle together.

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