When they get a minor injury

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~ Zarkon ~

While Zarkon was out hunting he wasn't paying attention where he was walking. Right as he was crossing a clearing he stumbled when he bumped his left foot on a rock that was hidden by tall grass.

"Quiznack!" Zarkon cursed loudly as he looked down.

His left big toe hurt worse than he thought. He limped back to the black lion so that he could fix it. However, he wasn't expecting to find you looking up at his lion.

"Zarkon, there you are. What's wrong?" You asked him, turning around and noticing that he was limping.

"I bumped my big left toe on a rock." Zarkon told you as Black lowered her head and opened her mouth.

"Are you okay? Nothing's broken, right?" You asked as you helped him get inside of Black.

"Not that I'm aware of." Zarkon grunted, having a slightly hard time walking.

As you helped Zarkon sit in the pilot's seat he told you where his travel first aid kit was. You found it after a few moments and grabbed it. Zarkon took his left boot off and looked at his toe.

"That doesn't look good." You said, looking at his swollen toe.

"It's probably just a fracture." Zarkon said, wincing as he ran a finger over his fractured toe.

You opened the first aid kit and handed it to him. Zarkon took the small box and took a few things out of it. You watched him as he fixed his toe, wincing again as he moved it back into place.

"There, it will only take a few weeks to heal." Zarkon said as he closed the first aid kit and gave it back to you.

"You need to stay off of it for a few days." You told him, putting the first aid kit back where you found him.

"I can't just sit around and do nothing." Zarkon said, arguing a little.

"Yes, I know. But you need to rest. I'm going to make sure of that." You said seriously.

"Fine." Zarkon mumbled.


~ Alfor ~

Recently you had asked Alfor to teach you Altean. So today he was bringing you an Altean fairy tales book. So here you were, sitting on your couch with Alfor as he taught you how to read one of the stories. However, while he was flipping one of the pages he accidentally got a paper cut.

"Ouch!" Alfor gasped as he looked at the tiny cut on his right thumb.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." You said as you got up and rushed to your bathroom.

Alfor watched you leave, wondering what you were going to do. A few moments later you came back with your first aid kit. You opened it up and grabbed the tube of Neosporin and a bandaid.

"Hold out your thumb." You told him.

"Alright." Alfor said as he held his right thumb out.

You opened the tube of Neosporin and put a little on his paper cut. Then, you closed it and opened the bandaid. You carefully wrapped the bandaid around his injured thumb, not wanting to hurt him.

"There, all better." You said, closing your first aid kit and putting it on your coffee table.

"Thank you, Y/n. Shall we continue?" Alfor asked you.

"Yes." You said as you sat next to him again and looked at the page.


~ Blaytz ~

While Blaytz was out having fun he wasn't watching where he was swimming. Lately, you had been on his mind a lot. When a stingray swam by he felt a stinging sensation on his left leg. He swam back to the cove and got out of the water so that he could get to Blue. He wasn't expecting to find you waiting for him.

"Blaytz, what's wrong?" You asked him, noticing that he was limping.

"I got stung by a stingray." Blaytz told you as Blue lowered her head and opened her mouth.

"A stingray? Won't that kill you?" You asked in concern as you followed him to the cockpit.

"No, your Earth creatures aren't as dangerous to me. But it still hurts." Blaytz said as he grabbed his first aid kit and sat in the pilot's seat.

"Wait, really? That's good." You said, sighing in relief.

Blaytz briefly smiled at you before he got the bottle he was looking for. He opened the bottle and put some on his fingers. He winced as he carefully rubbed it where the stingray stung him. You noticed that he was in pain, but you knew that there was nothing that you could do about it.

"There, all better." Blaytz said as he closed the bottle and put it back in the first aid kit.

"Are you sure, it still looks painful?" You asked him skeptically.

"I'm positive. But I don't think that I'll be able to go very far for a couple of days." Blaytz told you.

"I'll bring you food." You said as you smirked, knowing that he was addicted to your cooking.


~ Gyrgan ~

Gyrgan was over at your place, helping you make dinner. You were teaching him how to make something on the stove. You were looking for something in the fridge while he was checking the food. However, he accidentally burned his right pinky..

"By Willow, that hurts!" Gyrgan shouted.

"What happened?" You asked him as you turned the cold water on.

"I burned my right pinky." Gyrgan said as he put his pinky under the cold water.

You frowned a little, knowing just how he felt. Gyrgan couldn't believe that he burned himself. He didn't mean to; he was just thinking about you when he did it. After a few moments you turned the water off.

"It still hurts a little." Gyrgan said as he looked at the tiny burn.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" You jokingly asked him.

"Yes please." Gyrgan said innocently, not knowing that you were joking.

Your eyes widened a little as you looked at him. You cupped his large hand in both of yours and gently kissed the burn mark.

"Better?" You asked him.

"Yes, thank you." Gyrgan said happily, smiling down at you.


~ Trigel ~

Today, you were showing Trigel how to make a flower crown. There was a meadow of flowers near the green lion, so you had a good supply of flowers. While Trigel was picking a flower she didn't see the bee that was on it and got stung.

"Ouch!" Trigel said in shock as she pulled her right hand away from the flower.

"What is it?" You asked her, noticing that something was wrong.

"I've been stung by a bee." Trigel told you.

"Are you alright?" You asked her seriously.

"I'm fine. But I should try and get the stinger out." Trigel said as she stood up.

You stood up and followed her to Green. Once you both were inside the cockpit she got her first aid kit out. She grabbed a strange looking magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers and handed them to you.

"This might hurt a little." You said, holding the magnifying glass up in one hand while holding the tweezers in the other.

Trigel gritted her teeth as you managed to get the stinger out. Once it was out, she got the disinfectant and put some on where the stinger was.

"Is that better?" You asked her curiously.

"Yes, much better. Now let's go finish those flower crowns." Trigel said as she put everything away.

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