When they hate your clothing

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~ Zarkon ~

Today you had gotten a brand new red shirt from your favorite store. You decided to show Zarkon, hoping that he would like it on you since it showed off your figure. When you got to the black lion and walked in Zarkon saw your shirt. He was upset that you were wearing red, like Alfor.

"So, notice anything different?" You coyly asked him.

"Yes, I see it." Zarkon said, trying not to be upset since you were in a good mood.

"Do you like it?" You asked him curiously.

"Its… Nice." Zarkon forced out.

You smiled, not noticing that he hated the color of your shirt. Meanwhile, Zarkon wanted nothing more than to rip your red shirt to shreds and replace it with a purple shirt.


~ Alfor ~

When you got a pair of light blue shoes you decided to wear them on your date with Alfor. When Alfor saw that you were wearing blue shoes he was a little jealous because they reminded him of Blaytz. He didn't hate Blaytz, but he was a little jealous of the Nalquodi man.

"Do you like my new shoes?" You asked him as you both walked to your date location.

"They're quite… Lovely." Alfor said, not wanting you to know that he didn't like them.

"Thanks." You said happily, oblivious to his jealousy.

Alfor made a mental note to give you a pair of red shoes if you were ever to become his wife. Then, when you were least expecting it, he would burn your blue shoes.


~ Blaytz ~

When you got a light yellow sundress you decided to wear it to the beach. You were careful as you entered the little cove. When you saw Blaytz getting out of the water.

"Hey Blaytz, do you like my new sundress?" You asked him as you twirled around once.

"It's uh, nice." Blaytz said awkwardly, wishing that your dress was blue instead of yellow. 

You accepted his answer as you stood in front of him. To Blaytz, your dress reminded him of Gyrgan. He was friends with the yellow Paladin, but he was also slightly jealous. He leaned down and caressed your face as he kissed you. If you both ever got married he would make sure that most of your new clothes were blue.


~ Gyrgan ~

When you got a light green hair pin you decided to wear it out on your date with Gyrgan. When you got to the yellow lion and walked over to him he saw it.

"What do you think of my new pin?" You asked him curiously.

"It's uh… Pretty." Gyrgan said politely.

You smiled at his answer. However, deep down inside Gyrgan was jealous. He wished that you would've chosen a yellow pin instead of a green one. For the rest of the day he kept glaring at the pin whenever you weren't looking.


~ Trigel ~

When you got a cute new purple and black shirt. As soon as you washed and dried it, you wore it. When Trigel got to your house/apartment she saw your purple and black shirt and felt a little jealous. She wished that you would wear light green instead of purple and black.

"Hey Trigel, I got a new shirt." You said happily as you closed your front door.

"I see… It's very… Nice." Trigel said, trying not to sound disappointed.

"Thanks. So, what do you want to do today?" You asked her curiously.

"Well, we haven't gone on a flight for a while." Trigel said after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, sounds good." You said as you put your shoes on and grabbed your keys.

For the rest of the day Trigel was a little jealous that you were wearing purple and black instead of green. It reminded her a lot of Zarkon. Luckily, you didn't notice her jealousy.

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